Wednesday, September 7, 2022


I think scientists....... and suchlike doomsday ding dongs......... love the smell of their own dicks ......and the sound of their own voices doctor fauci ......and all these  overpaid  loonies ....they like to put fear in the masses ....and of course the masses  buy it .......they are  ruled by fear's  business .......the doomsday glacier.....we are in a  drought and they tell us  about flooding .....then it's  all good  ........ it  should  rise ....... river ...... and  lakes  and  suchlike  ....the planet is  fucked we need  water  .........and things....... and stuff ....right  ......... fields .......... and suchlike need  water  !!!!!!!!.....its  all a fucking's all to scare  the  already scared fuckers ....... who live in fear  ......thats all!!!!!!! ....and scientists ....... always pumping their fucking gums about  all sorts of  doomsday  bollocks .........those fuckers  smoke a bunch of  shit .........and all they care  about is getting to the moon ......

'Doomsday' glacier — which could raise sea levels by several feet if melted — is 'holding on by its fingernails' says new study

The R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer photographed from a drone at Thwaites Glacier ice front in February 2019.
The R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer photographed from a drone at Thwaites Glacier ice front in February 2019.Alexandra Mazur/University of Gothenburg
  • A body of ice known as the "Doomsday Glacier" could melt faster than predicted, a new study says.

  • The Thwaites Glacier protects the West Antarctic ice sheet, and researchers watch it closely.

  • New undersea surveys show it has melted much faster than previously known in the past.

An Antarctic body of ice nicknamed the "Doomsday Glacier" could melt far faster than previously expected and is holding on "by its fingernails," according to new scientific research.

The melting of the Thwaites Glacier — which is around the size of Florida — could raise sea levels by up to two feet. It's that, and the fact that it acts as a buffer between warming seas and the much larger West Antarctic ice sheet, that gives it its ominous nickname.

However the new study, led by the University of South Florida (USF), found that the Thwaites glacier has melted far faster in past centuries than has been observed in recent years — meaning that a similar brisk pace of retreat could be triggered in the future.

A 3D-rendered view of the multibeam bathymetry (seafloor shape) colored by depth, collected by Rán across a seabed ridge, just in front of Thwaites Ice Shelf.
A 3D-rendered view of the multibeam bathymetry (seafloor shape) colored by depth, collected by Rán across a seabed ridge, just in front of Thwaites Ice Shelf.Alastair Graham/University of South Florida

The researchers learned this by using underwater drones to map the sea floor under the glacier for the first time. The ridges they mapped are "like a footprint" showing where the base of the glacier has previously sat, according to the news release.

It shows that at some point in the last 200 years it had contracted twice as fast as has been observed in recent years, the release said.

"Thwaites is really holding on today by its fingernails, and we should expect to see big changes over small timescales in the future – even from one year to the next – once the glacier retreats beyond a shallow ridge in its bed," said Dr Robert Larter, a marine geophysicist from the British Antarctic Survey who-authored the study.

Alastair Graham, the USF marine geophysicist who led the study, said: "Just a small kick to Thwaites could lead to a big response."

Rán, a Kongsberg HUGIN autonomous underwater vehicle, amongst sea ice in front of Thwaites Glacier, after a 20-hour mission mapping the seafloor.
Rán, a Kongsberg HUGIN autonomous underwater vehicle, amongst sea ice in front of Thwaites Glacier, after a 20-hour mission mapping the seafloor.Anna Wåhlin/University of Gothenburg

Thwaites' rate of melting was previously mapped using satellite imagery.

In 2020, a study of those images found that Thwaites, and its neighbor the Pine Island Glacier, were breaking apart more quickly than previously believed even then, as Insider's Susie Neilson reported.

Thwaites has been in part protected by an ice shelf that scientists have seen rapidly deteriorate. In December last year, scientists predicted that that shelf is on track to melt within five years.

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