Tuesday, September 6, 2022

cheap Tuesdays .... movies....

well I thought it's Tuesdays ..... Usually it's boring.... Not much to do ...... Unless you are in the loop of palm beach...... Which I am not ......
So I thought I may go to the movies since it's cheap ...... Well I went to look at what was in the movies on Tuesday ......
And guess what .....
It's shite ...... Not one decent movie ..... Not even one half decent movie ...... And old jaws rehash ...... I hated jaws ....... Total bollocks movies ...... They guy who wrote it .... Asshole..... Yes.... I know it's cheap ...... But I cannot go see a shite movie because it's cheap....... I guess the empty headed popcorn mall rat ....soda drinkers 
....will watch anything ....... I still do not get or like science fiction ........ Why you may retort ...... It has the word fiction ...... And I distrust science greatly ........ So with all that in mind ..... I have not seen a good movie in like a long long long and I mean long time ....... All moviemakers seem to be doing now is pumping out.  Weak movies with no depth ...... .. and do not even say spiderman ...... All these comic heroes are. Borderline fruity ...... What man runs around in a tight body suit ....... Exactly ....... The only true exception in all the comic marvels ....... Was Halle berry in car woman ....... Sorry folks that woman just breaks all rules ...... Nothing better than seeing a really hot bad in a tight latex suit wearing a mask ...... .. that's was comic superhero at its best ....... What straight male did not like that .....
Oh well ...!!!!!!!???? 
I guess no movies until we get something good I will be waiting ....... 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......