Thursday, July 21, 2022

sticker shock


I am not and ever hhave been a  springsteen fan although he is  legend .....but no concert or   group is  worth more than a hundred .......i just saw styx and that was a  good   concert  no  four grand ,, group is  worth a four grand ticket  ,,,,,but there  will be those  stupid rich fans ...... who will pay for a  ticket .......i am not that much of  a fan of  anything  ......a  hundred is  my cut off  and  th';ts a stertch ....its the same with the  super bowl fools   paying thousand  ....... no entertainment is worth  thousands  ....... but there will always be fans  who  will cough  up .........  and the stupidity will always  be  sold long as there is  fans  there will be  fools willing to pay big money tickets ......

Bruce Springsteen fans experience sticker shock over 2023 U.S. tour tickets cos

In this article:
  • Bruce Springsteen
    Bruce Springsteen
    American musician, singer, and composer

Sticker shock.

That’s what some fans are experiencing who purchased, or tried to purchase, tickets for the six Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band 2023 U.S. arena tour concerts that went on sale the morning of Wednesday, July 20.

The price of some floor seats rose to more than $4,000 due to the Ticketmaster dynamic pricing system, which adjusts the price in real time due to demand.

“I assume when Bruce shouts ‘Is anybody alive out there?’ on the next tour, it will be more of a medical check-in on those who had to sell a kidney to be able to afford tickets,” quipped one fan on Twitter.

The base price for the shows was $60 to $399 on Wednesday.

Bruce Springsteen on stage with the E Street Band.
Bruce Springsteen on stage with the E Street Band.

More:Welcome to the world Lily Harper Springsteen

“A lot of rock bands are charging those kinds of prices and are able to do the dynamic pricing, but I kind of wish he put a cap on it or said I’m not comfortable with doing that,” said Brandon Thompson of Moorestown, editor of the Blog It All Night Springsteen news site. “The dynamic pricing has gotten a little out of control with how demand is going.”

Dynamic pricing, also called “Platinum Seats,” “enables market-based pricing (adjusting prices according to supply and demand) for live event tickets, similar to how airline tickets and hotel rooms are sold,” states Ticketmaster on its website.

The Springsteen ticket prices are in accordance with industry norms for similar acts. Paul McCartney’s recent “Got Back” and Harry Styles tours used dynamic pricing, and the cost of tickets went into the thousands.

Springsteen, to this point, had held the line on ticket price cost. The pri

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OH GEE LET ME THINK ..............

  Well god dam jesus christ son of a  carpentero ..........really what a  fucking lsoer   and  they expect this guy to  go  straight into a ...