Sunday, January 23, 2022

I mean for fuck sake ...........................

I am not sure about the rest of you ......but they promised us a vaccine ....i get it ...don't trust it get it but a  4th vaccine ...........then you know they have  lost the battle....and its just a case of being used as guinea pigs and  big pharma making lots and lots of dosh from the  masses  aka.......sheeple ........

As i sit gnashing my gums ......or yelping i currently have  covid 19......#2   installment......thank you fucking china  for your  contribution  to world fucking misery .......fucking shit up .......and of course  infecting my ass ............i cannot get the  vaccine  for  medical reasons .......i have a prosethic valve in my heart .....and there are  certain vaccines that have been found to clot blood either way i am  fucked so i would rather  risk this  .....yes it is  inconvenient..... but living in these years is inconvenient too so blah fucking blah .....its all good i have some anti bodies ......hopefullly they will help ..........

With that in mind the vaccine  number  4........if you cannot smell horseshite in a  sand storm at 400 miles .....good luck with number 5 & 6 & 7 & 8.....etc .....well once you morph into a crossdressing...... hemaphrodite....... klepto...... lumberjack ...............

Dont say you weren't warned..............

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......