Tuesday, October 6, 2020

voting ......the greatest scam ...ever


i have posted this rant before  about voting ...and how i personally think it's brainwashing .......indoctrination ....scam.....mind control .....fear .......here's why ......if you didn't vote ....you  would not know  ho would be  president right !!!!!!.....but the govt  knows  you will .....through fear ........they know you will .....guaranteed.......just like you will buy gas  for your  car ....why because you have to .......or you cannot drive to work .....earn money to pay bills  to support your  wife and kids  .........they have you all figured out  from the get  go .....you know  they know you have a  wife and  kids   what you have to earn ....you tax details ....your birth certificate on the stock market ,,,......where you work and how much you make .....where you shop .....how much food  you buy ......how  much gas you use  ,.....they sell your kids  info as soon as it's born .....so they have you pegged....... and  to assure you will vote.............. they inject fear into the rotunda  of  evil ......and  every  flagwaving patriot ....beer drinking........ wing eating ....... hard core ......... american stands in line  waiting to fill the  needs  of the evil 

You see  know one knows the outcome if no one voted .........because the fear of not voting....... is passed through father ....mother...sister ....brother......cousin...aunt........uncle .......that the president........ will protect you.......... and look out for you .......and everything will be fine !!!!!!!........and as we  all know..........  that is the biggest bag of  horseshit sold to the masses ........if no one  voted there would be no president ,.........but it's not set up that way it goes back.......way way back....through history......divide and  conquer a nation .....family ......friends .....cousins .....relatives  ......it doesn't matter .......... as long as  they get your attention for  2 minutes  every4 years  .....then they don't give  a fuck about you!!!!!! ........its  like an orgasm  ...it feels  good ........ but after  that  ....life goes on ....... but fear is the  tool of   manipulation ....and used  in the right context  ,.....can acheive  evil .....great  .....bad  ....good  .....its all perception .........and this  voting scam........ will go on  long after  you......... and  i ......... and your kids  are gone ......its  ingrained  in  society for the weak  to be controlled  by the powerful .......you are not part of the plan .....you work to pay taxes  to let them  own you ............otherwise  why are you voting and  letting  govt  rule you ......if they work for you ......who is the stupid fucker  here ......the man in the  bullet proof limo .........with 200 body gaurds  flying at your expense in  the  most  protected  plane on the planet .........or you .........

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