Thursday, October 8, 2020

like covid 19 scam if you didnt figure

 Any one with a gram of common sense  between the old ears ......surely know that the CDC and all those other scam places cannot be trusted is  govt ......i mean what in the govt can you trust .......apparently not a lot ......i have been telling people these  douch bags have been forging numbers all along .....the CDC its not their  first rodeo at manipulating numbers  .....and of  course those  other  govt parasite NOAA......the  take false reading on grounds ,,,,,and it is not the true  reading ......been  told many ....many times .....anyone who works govt  cannot be trusted .......look at your FBI amd CIA .....chronic  thieves and  crooks .....the movie  american made with tom cruise .......if you think the govt is not involved in the  narcotic industry you're putz .....the  CIA  have had  so many dealing with the contras ......america is one big dishonest  dick fuck ........anything america  gets involved  in  takes it slice of  cash  ....whatever   it is .....the only reasomn amereica  goes to war is for money otherwise it does not wanna  get involved  .....i have said many many many times .......... america is  a murderous bloody animal ......but every monkey and their uncle  wants to come here  .....whats the attraction ......the so called  america dream........  apparently is a nightmare.........sold as a dream .......for one reason and one reason only!!!!!!!!!! ........... nothing personal ....... america is not a country ......its a business ..........

Thousands of coronavirus deaths recorded by ONS not due to Covid, new figures show

Sarah Knapton
The ONS published new data comparing Covid deaths in England and Wales to those from influenza and pneumonia - Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP
The ONS published new data comparing Covid deaths in England and Wales to those from influenza and pneumonia - Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP

Thousands of coronavirus deaths recorded by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) were not due to Covid, new figures show.

On Thursday, the ONS published data comparing Covid deaths in England and Wales to those from influenza and pneumonia up to the end of August. 

In order to make the comparison, the body published, for the first time, figures for people who had died "due" to Covid rather than those who had the virus mentioned on their death certificate.

While official figures show that 52,327 people died from coronavirus up to the end of August, 48,168 deaths were "due" to the disease – 4,149 fewer than official records show.

Early in the pandemic, the World Health Organisation (WHO) warned that even if coronavirus appeared on a death certificate as a "significant condition", the death should not be included in the figures. WHO guidelines say such deaths "are not due to Covid-19 and should not be classified as such".

The new figures back up research from academics at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, who last month found that coronavirus was not the main cause of death for nearly one third of recorded Covid-19 victims in July and August.

The team uncovered the discrepancy after comparing deaths from all causes to the coronavirus figures. Their analysis showed that around 30 per cent of people included in the coronavirus death toll over the summer months had died from other causes.

It means someone who suffered a heart attack, or even died in a road traffic accident, may have been included in the figures if they had also tested positive for coronavirus at some point or if doctors believed the virus may have exacerbated their condition.

Experts at Oxford are concerned that the problem with over-counting will get worse as more people in the population contract coronavirus. They are worried it means thousands more people died at the peak because of the pandemic response rather than because of the virus and have been wrongly included in the Covid-19 statistics. 

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......