Tuesday, October 13, 2020

from time to time

From time to time one  needs to escape the craziness of life ......stress ....control ...unhappiness ......not too mention this year .......which has been .....well unusual........... to say the least .......if we do not see life as others see it we might miss  something .......so this is the reason for  my website .......i try to post something ridiculous everyday  ....whether it may be real life  ridiculous or  just plain nuts .......everyone needs  a little enlightenment .......and this is why i do this.......  to highlight the ridiculousness of life .....if you think about the things we do or say ........it really is nuts......i try and  find some in between of the insanity .......of all the crazy things we do as human beings.......... and we pay for it......... dearly sometimes ........we dress up to sit down....... to eat .........we pay fortune to poison ourselves with alcohol .......being drunk is poisoning .......we smoke............ fill our lungs with smoke  .....because we  are stressed and that is  going to kill you quicker.............  than stress and that is just the tip of the human insanity ......we  are  the only beings that pay to live on the planet .......everything else lives  free  ....which we kill .......or burn or ruin .....so from time to time i may rant and rave  about  anything and  everything  sometimes  my self i am in there ......sometimes  people  need  to read  the craziness.....sometimes  they  would rather   live like the 3  wise monkies  ........but i think the more  you  are informed  .......either  by websites or  somehow     life  is easier .......but  sometimes   people say ignorance is bliss..........i would rather be informed  on whatever  improves my existence .........so if i find something  interesting .....crazy ....unique or   just  life i will let you know .........enjoy ..........

If you have something you would like to post so others can see your thoughts......or not !!!!!please feel free to e-mail @internationalhippie @gmail.com............i will cut and paste it exactly as you sent it .......... 


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I just had to post  this one   .........i mean FFS.....raquel welch  .......enjoy   for all you married  guys ........  this is........   or...