Amazon is having its prime day .......a day of price cuts .....and really low ......and of course the people who love to buy shit ......will not be able to resist it !!!!!and make jeff richer.......yes in the midst of a pandemic .....people still have to get in debt ........even though they know they cannot afford it .......america is a nation of consumption and spending is the economic engine of the world ......americans love to spend ........usually spending is linked to filling a void .....we all know women would rather shop than have sex was proven in a survey ......they love to shop ....more than men's a fact ....most men just wanna get shit they need and be done ......women will bu shit....... they do not need..... because it is a bargain ......they will justify ten different shades of black in clothing .......where as men will wear black........ one color of black covers everything ......women will need different shades of black .......i know i have lived it ....seen it .....don't get it ......we all know give a women a line of credit ....she will cross it ......these guys in the industry know this .....this is not a game of chance day ........or whatever day the bargain shopping is another great demonstration of female spending power .......look at that ...there are some segments where guys get stuff ......but it is all aimed towards females ......most ads are especially during the day ....if you have not noticed that your head is up your ass......because during the day most men are at work ........ Ad men know who their demographics are .....females ......most of it is targeted towards the female demographics .....most straight men in general will never justify having shit they do not need .....or a man will walk into a shop and he knows what he wants ........he does not spend all day shopping like women ......all these prime days they know ......that women have been cooked up for months ....not being able to shop in the fav malls ........they know women wanna buy shit ...or max out their card ......they do not care .....they know debt credit what traps people .....yep!!!!! known fact......... its financial slavery ........they know women will not be able to resist those prime day specials ........its just timing its not about you ......they do not care ,....they will have these prime days because guess what ,,,........yes that time of the year is coming ..........when the fictitious bastard in the red suit is coming ......and of course everyone is stocking up .....and everyone says ,,,,,,,,,, you are not in the xmas spirit !!!!!!i just do not buy into the indoctrinated bullshit like marriage voting keeping up with the jonese's ......but they see you are a bad person know those traditional family values ........ they have to upkeep to be liked ..........and accepted otherwise you are weird or the strange one............ or the bad person ,..........America is not a country is a business never was a country .....its an rotunda of consumption ....a war machine ......its job is to consume ........china relies on it ......lots of countries rely on america to consume .....and this is why it has these days to keep the engine running .....but like always ........... it is always disguised as a present .....a favor .....a special day .....days for you.....days for the family .......the analysts make bets........ and hedge bets ........ on your spending ....these days .........there is no favors ......its days for consumption .....manufacturing .....industry .......but hey !!!!!!if you think that they care about you .....they don't
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