Thursday, October 15, 2020

facebook the servile platform


I am on  back on facebook again after a long  jail sentence ....however  all i am doing now is posting link to the website i am ranting on ....... it is way easier  i gets  my point across ........without insulting those  lily livered......  weak..... insecure insecure fact checkers./payroll paraistes/prostitutes employed  by mark zucherburgs pathetic soul less /lifeless zombies......... but he has   enough  zombies  that post their  existence  through his empty soul less  entity .corporation........ because they need  the attention......... and  feel needed  because they can show their  lives  through social media ....although we  know ........ most of the people that post happy shit .........are living  lies ......they are drunks ....or pill heads ...or in unhappy relationships  ...but stay with the person  because they are paying the bills ........the amount of people that i know  live  with someone  they hate  .....yet will not leave  ...merely based on the fact they are whoring their souls  because that person is paying their  way ........and yet people  condone hookers  ........i know  so many ....yet you look on facebook and they are acting like their shit don't stink........but that is social media it has  treated these  empty headed  soul less  imebas ,......but this is what mark employs  the lowest  form of human beings on the microbial level ........fact checkers  losers who live with their mommies  and parent  ....because they cannot hack the real world know you have lost it  when you actually take a  selfie  with a meal ......that pretty much tell you all you need  to know ........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......