Wednesday, October 14, 2020

covid numbers


                                                           covid numbers 

I feel that the covid numbers  do not add  up ......they tell us that there are that many infections  .....that many deaths ., the  bodies of  who run the whole covid deal .........but no one  really challenges those numbers  ....the media  pump out numbers  every day .....and as we all know............. the media is the biggest liars of all........ especially the  top 6 ones know who they are.......... i do not need  to waste  time typing in for you.......the satanical  6 as i like to call them ......

But the scary part is......... there is no proof of these  deaths  ...sure you see  people on respirators and nurses in stuff  bio hazard  thingy bobs 

.....but we  are  all just taking this at face value ........because as  we  all know............  fear is the  greatest bar of manipulation .........and as we all know from this pandemic .....who bought it ......and who didn't .....and i can tell you......... i did not buy the busllshit .......and i am still alive .......we all do not know if a random sector of  like was  picked  for  i think this hoax .......i mean  maybe i am  just cynical .....but it  just seemed  a little strange to me .........that now it is  getting better in time  for voting........ people to go to the  polling stations  to wait hours to vote ......yet it was pandemic dad used  to say  ....for 1 smart guy ....there are 10,000 fools.............well this is 2020..........and i think we may be into triple or quadruple that  especially in this  country  disrespect .....but after  covid.......... and watching the mass of  lunatics  scramble for shit paper........... instead of say food!!!!!!!!....and now  watch people  wait in line  for  approx 6 hours  to vote ........i arrest my case ........

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......