Friday, October 16, 2020


I have to say i like change....... but  not this one...... the 2020 covid experience ....or........ i i would like to think experiment ......people now are afraid .....and that is  because they are either  pussified that is ......or they have been told  to do this that and the other their other .........i mena  dating ......going put  ....even  just to have some time away from the house .....its  ruined i say!!!!!!!....thanks china you fucking assholes ........even dating is  a nause........and if it wasn't before  .....already  with the lunatic insecure  broads .....with their time out .shit ....or whatever  movement that is ,........but they are really fucking up their  gig !!!!!no guy wants to deal with a loony  chick are bad  enough in normal realms  ....noiw  we  have the movement .....covid and the masks .........its easier  to  rob a bank than fuck a chick now !!!!!!!......and  women say they want a nice  guy bitches  are nuts  ......covid has fucked  up the dating game good and proper  .....i am not wanting a diseases  from  some bint.....but 2019 was the last hurrah!!!!.....for sure ....look at the supporting events  ....pathetic .....empty stadiums ..........canned  applause this the new  stupid normal and  people are  accepting the bullshit ........

And now they are talking there might be  another  resurgence  ,,,,,,,well that is only stupidity  ...but people  will never  learn ever ........look at history .......people are not smart they  just want to do their own thing .......but now  everything is  ruined  ....going out ....dining  ......who want to talk to someone   6 feet  apart ......bad enough when they are up close .........never mind 6 feet .......but who knows  it might be all over  after this  dumb   stupid  election .......which we  all know  is  rigged   for the NWO .......and  as  the  enlightened  informed ones  know voting is a  waste of time ....but voters  will n ot believe  you .........its a game of  indoctrination as i have said many many times  .,....they know you are afraid ......and you are too afraid to challenge the system always wins  ......always .....!!!!!!.......a govt will always use  fear to achieve its sinister agenda ....they will always disguise the fear  in order  for you to think you are getting something in return ......this is why you pay tax and they own and  control are not smart enough to figure  out you are being played  at the game of  life  , long as you have your  house ......your car .....your kids .....your fence  to block out neighbors .....all the trimming to keep you in your bubble   while they own and control your mortgage ....your credit ......your life .........becasue as long as they have your mortgage there are bets hedged against you .....and your credit .........when you buy your tv are paying  for  it....... at extra percentage  .....but you buy it on credit you are already upside  down devalues  daily........  while you are still paying interest on your card ..... you don't care because its credit .....but...that's how they get ya ......and you vote  for them ......go figure course they want your vote ........

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......