Sunday, September 13, 2020

What else  would anyone expect from's in their blood to play .....have fun's spain is goes hand in hand .....i can't condone someone having fun it dangerous the Spaniards care ........apparently not !!!!!!!!!!!! may as well......... we don't know how bad things are.......... we  are only fed by media .......spanish people are like ....having fun .....who can get  angry at having fun ....maybe they know something you and i do not know .....america  you know  is fed  fear ....maybe the Spaniards ...are not giving a rats ass .....we all know the spanish culture's laid back ....they drink ....they play ........good on  them ..........they must be figuring if they are going to get it ......they get it .......i certainly do not  fancy risking my ass  being sick for a  few  disco dances .........or some paella .....vegan paella ...of course .........but hey !!!!!!!!!!different strokes  for  different folks .........
Listen ......i rant and rave in here's my blog......i am just here to re -post garbage......... i find on the news  feed  ....some times i may post words of wisdom ........or random thoughts i am thinking ........that's all is it is nothing to  do with how i get up my work ....its entertainment ......words are only words  ...actions speak a thousand words ........i believe in honesty .....fairness........... and treat human beings with respect ......until they prove me wrong .......all you can do is  go out there and  give it 150% of your being ........100% is not good enough these days .........
So whatever floats your boat ....or puts wind up your kilt long as you are happy .......maybe the spanish people live like its their last days ......could be ....who knows ........
All i can say!!!!as long as you are happy .....not hurting anyone in your endeavors in life ....and having a bit of a laugh .......then it's all good 

Spain can’t stop partying: Late night discos and sauna socials pushing Covid rate to soar further

James Badcock
More than 400 young people from the streets of Tafalla, Navarre, Spain, where they had gathered after a coronavirus 'no parties' lockdown was announced
More than 400 young people from the streets of Tafalla, Navarre, Spain, where they had gathered after a coronavirus 'no parties' lockdown was announced
Spain is pleading with young people to stop socialising at illegal parties as the country's monunting Covid caseload continues to lead the way in Europe's impending second wave of infections.
In spite of the warnings from authorities to rein in expansive social behaviour, in the early hours of Thursday Madrid police caught and fined 73 people who had sidestepped a ban on late-night discotheques by partying in a basement sauna in the capital’s main business district. No one was wearing a face mask.
Last weekend, a few blocks away, 75 people were caught in an unlicensed premises operating as a bar and brothel, openly defying Spanish government orders to close down bordellos.
The city is one of the worst-hit places in Spain, with hospitals recording an alarming rise in admissions.
The government launched a campaign this week to deter youngsters from underplaying the danger of Covid. Hashtagged #EstoNoEsUnJuego (#ThisIsNotAGame), the black-and-white video juxtaposes young people gathering to drink in the street with images of people in hospital, ending with a less-than-subtle coffin on a gurney.

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......