Sunday, September 13, 2020

playing with fire

listen!!!!!i don't know about anyone else......but when there is a raging fire ......i make like a condom and split .......or a baby and head out like a prom dress........split like a decomposed corpse in a ditch .........anyways you get my drift is not judgmental's a fucker just eats everything in its path ........
A pic says a thousand words ...and this is  all i needed to show ....listen i get it built your dream million dollar home in the woods........but that to me seems dodgy........... on a level i could not comprehend .....for the fact is if i have a million bucks i am not building in the woods .....why ........well let me see  ........wood burns ....and it burns bright when a fire is started by nature or a sadistic fucker...............i don't trust the woods  ...first  .......etc ......etc ....why .....well bears .......wild animals is thiers ........let .say things like ah!!!!!!!concrete  it is  not flammable .....yes  concrete .......but that's  is  just me  ........why ,......well because i am a smart ....S.O.B......but i don't and won't and never would ..........but if you have millions  to risk...... and bear the loss should be thankful you got out without being charred........... and  cut your losses ....simple .....but to some .........that will never be enough's not the end  more will be on the way ........i saw trees burn in the same deal years ago ...and thought that is a great advertisement of why you should not build in the woods .........but i guess it does not stop or  deter...........

Californian residents defying evacuation orders despite deadly fires sweeping state

Justin Vallejo

 (JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images)
(JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images)

Some California residents are standing their ground and refusing to leave their homes as fires continued to burn across the state.

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......