Sunday, September 13, 2020

Lot's of american think the queens guards just stand there like fools ...those guards will fuck you up ....i have seen many videos were some smart ass american started  to take the piss ......those are the queens guards ....they are not ordinary fellers have to understand if the queen owns them ,.......ya  might wanna think before you act ......the queen is not your average old lady...... with a cup o sirreee!!!!!!!!  bob she is the queen,.......and those  fellers at Buckingham palace area  different bag of spanners than your average security guard don't think they get that gig  by doing a 1 week course at security guard training .....nope ........those are pretty hard chaps that can stand there all day ........don't underestimate the royals .......the monarchy ....the queen ....the last person that did .....well ....we all know how that ended .........

20 Embarrassing Mistakes Americans Should Avoid Making When Visiting The U.K.

The United Kingdom is an incredibly popular tourist destination for Americans, as the island nation has plenty to offer. But when you touch down at the airport, it’s worth remembering that there are certain things you shouldn’t do around the locals. So in a bid to do our part, we’ve compiled a list detailing 20 of the most embarrassing no nos.

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......