Sunday, August 30, 2020
children are our future
I like to rant and rave about many things.......but one thing bothers me more than anything ....child hunger ......i cannot believe it's 2020....and children in america ....are suffering from hunger at an alarming rate ......america!!!!! a prosperous nation .....filled with billionaires .......yes and children are hungry .....i don't get it know ...there should not be the numbers that are.......there is enough money in america for us not to have these problems ........but i guess i am asking simplicity ......look at the wealth in america....and the poverty .......look at who we have that could solve child hunger .......mark zucherburg ......bill gates .....jeff ezos.....warren buffet .......not too mention .....the families ......but these guys don't care all ......they would rather spend their billions on super yachts and houses know .....steve jobs ......on his death bed regretted his life ......yes steve jobs ......all that money he had could not save him .....and yet he died in regret ,......the simple fact ......whether you are rich...... or poor .....we both end up the same ....naked on a cold hard slab ........said this many times.....look at liberace ,,.......he had millions ....houses in most countries with a rolls royce and chauffuers......but in the end a....all the money could not save him .......yet these guys will not reach out to cure hunger much money does one need? be happy seems billionaire can never satisfy that hunger ......financially ....or maybe...... we as commoners do not understand that mind set .....until you reach that plateau .......
2020 will be a testament to our mindset as a human race ....we are not content to destroy the planet ...we are seeking to go to the moon and mars .....yes to find another planet destroy ? ....rather than spend all that research money on say saving this planet ....and feeding child hunger .....2020 is revealing how far we have come along........on this planet ......instead of unifying to make solutions ....we are dividing politically ....and warring satisfy the powerful does not seem to like ewe will solve anything ......only time will tell...... after the political sparring of oppositions ......unless they are all in it together create a new world order ......well like everything else ...we will soon find out after november .....i personally think ....too little too late ....the stage has already been set .......
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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........
I watched the state of the union address the great ....... one and only....... donald j trump .......... GOAT.......

mark zucherburg just lost 7.2 billion dollars but he has another 82 billion so its not that bad when you have that much cash i guess .......
Listen .......the planet is full of lonely....... desperate .....needy.....greedy ....insecure .......low self worth ......idiotic single...
I mean for fuck's sake who does not like tan lines .......women love them on women love them on women .......they are aweso...
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