Sunday, August 30, 2020

NBA whiners

I have always said sports stars are overpaid ...under educated  jocks ....they get paid millions and millions put a ball through a metal ring ......yes!!!! i know  it's a skill you say .....but these guys are not  broke or close to it .....yet they are saying they are in a dark place .in their lives .......well boo hoo sob!!!!!.......not really ....they are not one paycheck away from homelessness......or struggling to feed their   kids ......don't see them stepping up to help their communities ....either     there are  a few  ....very few ......doing this ......i have no sympathy for these sports stars at all none ......some have lost their millions does this happen do you lose millions ......its very sad for these fools to compare themselves to a dark place in this life ......some pf these NBA players do not even spend time with their  fans ....i have never  ever liked  basketball ever ......i consider it a girly sport england i think it was called net ball ....yes !!! ball a game for broads originally .....i think it's there on the net...i just think they are overpaid whining bitches and have no idea about real life ....they certainly do not give back that much ........a few do ....but you would think right !!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......