Sunday, August 30, 2020

the famous die

One things pisses me off is death's overrated and really stupid .......mostly with human beings views towards death.....funerals and cremations ......b ut worst of all famous deaths .....there are hundreds of people dying every day but when a famous person dies ......rammed down our throat for days ....its fucking annoying .....but what annoys me worse the horseshit spewed at funerals ....eulogies ....everyone that dies one tells the truth at funerals's all good good gum drops of how the person was  perfect .......really really annoying one is  all good  ....everyone has their  demons  ...everyone......i don't care who you are everyone has  demons ....skeletons in their closet .......everyone .....i would never  say i was a  great human being .....b ut i have like everyone else done my sins .....i thought they were  right at the time you live and learn .......i will never  discuss my things ....but we  all are not pure as the driven snow .......its human dynamics .....especially famous people  ....they usually the most degenerate drug...... and alcoholics .......well look at how many died  form their  sins when a famous person dies we  automatically assume its drug related .......but it don't matter  how you die ........i never understand how they revert to drugs and alcohol their lives are easy ...but the famous...seem to choose that path ......they all play god and love the life ......but i am not sure why they need  drugs and  alcohol's not like fame is hard work .......really you make films you get paid  lots of  fucking green and you go to these awards ...accept these awards for being a jack off in a movie or you portray .a jack off in a movie ......i mean what the fuck is that hard work ,,,,,,,really .......cry me a river ....i mean .....oh !!!!1 i have to go to my trailer  work out put on some movie do a scene .....blah .....blah ....oh really !!!!!! thats streeful .....or  is there something io don't know about being a famous person and getting paid millions is that bad you get addicted  to being famous ,......well all i can say is boo hoo hoo sob!!!!!!!!.......some of them are smart ....but it seems in hollywood ....every actor   has some sort of  addiction ......maybe they got something to hide!!!!!...after all the rumours ......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......