Wednesday, May 6, 2020

on the way back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not sure about the rest of you ......but i am in no hurry to go back into shops ...restaurants ......etc ....etc ......first of ....every fucker and their mother will be wearing masks ....very unattractive ....i mean  females ....its going to be strange ordering through a mask while wearing a mask myself its  going top be very unpersonal ...especially as i like mexican cuisine ....i mena  do we take off the masks to eat or do we feed food under the masks  .....its going to be fucking shitty state of  affairs ......i think ....everything is going to be a pain in the arse now  ....getting anywhere  every cunt in masks ......i personally think  its the next move to NWO .......fuck .....going anywhere is  going to be a  fucking PIA ......still change is  is  inevitable .....whats next i wonder ......slow openings restaurants  for me i dont gove a fuck if they open or not  fuck em !!!!!!....

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DAM!!!!! ......

  I am all for the  sober ...... part of  tiffany ....but the sex part .......fuck!!!.....i mean  you need  ass/sex/booyah/boinking/porking....