Thursday, July 25, 2019

like i say alchohol the drug of choice for the stupid play pay

hey you can call me  heartless .......but if you are  going to  go to a  shit hole  holiday resort  where there are  no stringent laws and  drink re a  fucking  dumb ass ......hate me if you must ........but alchohol  does not judge it takes  out all  dumb fuckers .......yep does  not  care  about  size.....weight ......colour  ....  ....creed has  no  mind   its  a  choice  for you to fuck up ......

When you leave  America  and  board  a plane to a hot sweating bunghole you think they give a  fuck about your  desires  for a  drink  is a  NEWSFLASH !!!!!!!!....bottom line  money .......if they can  make a  buck .....they don't give a  fuck .....surprise  ass wipe.........i was in Thailand  and  saw the  same  thing .....the beer  has embalming fluid in it ....but  do you think a  tourist with a  pocket  full of  cash is  worried  about  embalming fluid  ....... fuck no  he  or  she  just wants  to get fucked  up on  vacation ..........i trust no one   with a  glass  of  water ........i don't drink i   used  to  and  paid  a  hefty  price  .....spiritually  ......excuse the pun .....and  physically was  fun ..... when i was young ....but  there  comes a  point when you have  to  stop hurts  ......i have  many scars to prove it ........

But  this  blog Will not change the world  ......its  just a rant  and  a rave  about  how  stupid   fucking human beings  are  ......they get  dutch courage  ...i admit  when i  used  to drink i felt no pain ....until the  next  day don't feel a shattered  nose  when your  slain in drink .......but when it wears  off .......boom !!!!!!.....

Alchohol will keep  killing  and   people will keep  dying ....and yes  i had a lot of  fun  drinking .......drinking people  and  people  who love  to  get fucked  up  .....regularly .....will   say you are  boring .....and  many people  have  jumped  the  fence on  alcohol ......if you don't know what  that  means   go back into the  church .........there is a  saying   all women  are  5  drinks  away from being a rug muncher  .....saw that in the  strip clubs   women  being  flipped  like a  switch on a  wall ........

Alchohol  will not  go away ......its  legal  and  people  who  have  no self  esteem it frees  them  up........ Luke  cocaine  its  a  narcissistic   drug  ....alchohol  is a  drug ......most people  are  in denial   ....but that's  not a river  in Egypt ........i have  seen  enough  people   do enough  mad  crazy  insane  shit  .....even saw  my best friend  die   in a  coma  after  he  fell of  a  bar  stool in a shit hole  bar in Tampa  Florida .......i had  to carry his  coffin .......i lost a  very  very  long time  true  friend  ....Mano  was like a brother  to me  .....but he  had  his  demons  and they were  alcohol  sad  to see  a man  in a coma........  and you grab his  hand ........ and he is not there in his body know  he  has  left  ....i tried  to tell his  wife.......  .....but as  always in life ....... no one  listens  to me  ....its  been my bain of  existence   ,,,,i just get used  to it have to see  a friend in a coma ......with his  head  shaved ........ and  a scar the  length of his  head ..........and then....... 2  days later  carry his  coffin really  do not  want to thank  jack Daniels ......Jose  curve....johnny walker ......Frangelic .......captain Morgan ......and all his  friends  ..............because they never  were  at his  funeral ......and  the saddest part  is ........the bar he  died in  ........was  a  seedy .......smokey.....  filthy shit hole in stiffener  Tampa was  the hardest day of  my life  to stand  up in a  podium ......only to find  2  days  later i almost  died  with heart failure .......and  carried his coffin  ..........but i  would not have  traded it  for  anything the funeral ...there were  two old  drunks....... from the  bar  to pay his  respects  thats it .........!!!!of course the bar was  too busy making money that it can  claim its next  victim ............from the  motley crew   glamorous  drink gods .......because the others  who were there that  day  ...were  probably  using  it as an excuse  to  drown their  sorrows ........

and  people wonder  why i hate alcohol .....watching and  burying my best  friend  ........was  the nail in the coffin .....excuse the  pun ......of how  demonistic and  legal a  sinister  drug  can lead a man into a world of  drunk loneliness .......when i saw his sisters  sob over  the  coffin crying helplessly ...........that  my friends  was  not a Budweiser moment ....... or they would not  want anyone  wanting see it  ....because  alcohol is  sold with glamour .....and  pizazz.....not a crying sister  draped over  a coffin ....not good  PR!!!!! ........

thanks to all the  self named  drinks i mentioned  i lost  a  part of my life  and  Friend  to demons...... who were far  greater and more  powerful than he was ......

RIP ....manachuer dhegan .....thanks to alchohol .......left an wife and child ......

and at the end of the  day ....its  always a choice ......alcohol all other  drugs an inanimate object....... which has  no  intrinsic value..........until touched by human beings ........

And as long as there is  demand for  suchlike products .....there will always be someone  willing to meet the demand for that persons desire ........its just business ........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......