Sunday, July 28, 2019

supply and demand

It never gets old i rant about this shit all the time long as there are degenerates shoving shit up their noses .......there will be  boat loads of  coke  heading towards America ......

#% tons of charlie .....chooch .....whatever  the fuck you want to call it the  tune of  350 million dollars .......its not  nickel and dime ......someone bug  has  to have  money to finance this  shit ......i personally think ....wall street and  all the other  A Lister's we all know have been involved  with coke many actresses and  actors have been  laid to rest  and  died  with it ......yet it  is  still used ........has  to be  ......i mean   35 ton ....that's a  lot of  shit many  people  died in the making of  this  shit .......oh and  don't forget  strippers they love  that  shit ........and performers i guess if you spread it  out  between  wall street  the  govt  and  strippers and   singers  and   surgeons  and   brokers and  clubbers ....oh and   doorman at strip clubs an  area  the  size of  America ......well  may not spread  far ...........
Listen up i am ranting i.....i don't get  why any person would  want their palms to sweat and their dicks to shrink .......its pure  narcissistic  drugs  with  short  term   window .....but as we see .......its  still popular   ....which tell me one thing ......America is  still massively  narcissistic  otherwise  there  would be no need  for  this  crappy stupid  drug ........i simply don't get it  .....i have never  tried  as it  as  peer  pressure  was  never in my  curriculum and  low self esteem .......coke is  great for  people  with low  self  esteem .....look at  face book and  instagram , i guess  as  long are there are  lots of  worthless  self loathing insecure   narcissists ......the boats  will keep  coming ......don't  arrest the  dealers  arrest the users  or they will keep  supplying  its nothing personal .....its business ......and of  course   America is a  business  ....apparently  a  fucking good  one  at this  indicator ........i guess  this is  Hollywood's  yearly  delivery...................................

US drug busts in Pacific net cocaine worth $350 mn

A still image from a US Customs and Border Protection video, showing suspected drug smugglers tossing their cargo into the Pacific Ocean on July, 18, 2019 (AFP Photo/HO)
Los Angeles (AFP) - The US Coast Guard have seized $350 million worth of cocaine in a series of operations in the Pacific Ocean, captured in a dramatic video showing suspected drug smugglers frantically tossing their cargo from a speeding boat.
The Coast Guard released images late Friday of the high-speed chase by one of its cutters, one of six recent interdictions in international waters of the Pacific Ocean, off the Mexican and Latin American coasts.
In all, 13 tons of cocaine -- said to be valued at $350 million -- were seized, either from smugglers' go-fast boats or found floating in the ocean after being heaved overboard, according to the statement.
The Coast Guard did not specify how many arrests were made in the latest actions, but said that so far this fiscal year it has detained more than 400 suspected smugglers in the Eastern Pacific while seizing more than 230,000 pounds of cocaine.
In one of the more dramatic recent interdictions, a video showed members of a Coast Guard team leaping onto the deck of a speeding semi-submersible craft and pounding on its hatch until the occupants opened it to surrender.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......