Thursday, July 25, 2019

there is no end to just plain fucking retards

Here we go again  useless  empty headed  low life  trailer  trash......Jerry springer  type  fucking  shit kickers .......i mean  i  hate my family with  passion  ....but i am not sure  if they would brawl in Disney .......well they are Scottish  from a  fucking breeding  stall in  a  shit hole in Scotland i would not rule it out  ....... seeing them in the  news ......after all the Scots   drink like  fucking  tavern  wenches on  meths i will not  cross my fingers on what i have  seen them do in their  hey day would  choke a  fucking donkey .....its  a Scottish  saying ..........

But  i mean god  dam Jesus  Christ  son of  a Hooker  what the  fuck is  wrong with families  ......i mean  they cannot even go on  vacation but they brawl has  to be  drink ......normal sober  people  usually  do not  perform such acts of  atrocity unless  they have been  doing drugs ....alcohol .....weed  or  meths or  coke  or   you know  what i mean  drunks and  junkies  do stupid   shit ......its usually why nounal  people life  to  e    80 yr old  farts ....or  90  ...because they dont  drink and  fuck up ......look at sir  cliff  richard ......although the rolling  stones  .......i  know mick   does  not  consume  copious  amount of  stuff  but the rest  ....go figure must be  all that  childrens  blood  they  drink  with the  queen at these   islands  ............

I mean  fuck me  !!!!!!!you cant take your  kids  to  Disney  world  ......the most funnest place on the planet ......well for  brats  kids  and  parents ........sidebar ....... to the  whole  Disney  thing  ...did you  know   Disney  makes   approx   230 million dollars  a year..... give  or  take  a  few  sheckles  on porn.....i guess  when mummy  is   all  whipped  and  sleeping and the  kids  are  beat  ......and  sleeping  ......... daddy  downloads  the  pay per    view   porn on TV ....after  all  he is   needing to spark off one  as  mummy is   done....... and the  kids  are  fucking  cock blockers ,......always  you know they are , he has  a few  beers ......and  a  remote  and the wife  is  coma'd....time  to watch A  slender  young POA .......

However   ....back to fucking  families  .......i know  how  dysfunctional families can be......  i grew  up  with mine ....... soaked in violence.....  and   constant  fighting ......even my oldest  ex  sibling had  blood  on her  wedding dress you know  why !!!!!!!!alcohol   .........yes the  good old   soup of  the  stupid  ...........which makes   wankers  appear   especially white  fuckers  ....they get mental i could rap on all night about  family  values ......all bollocks  i have  been  immersed in the  lowest  form genetic  trash ......i have seen my family  full on  brawl in the  house  and  almost witnessed  death ......due to the good old  alchohol ....but hey  we  are  focusing on this   bunch of   shit kicking  goat molesters for orange  county ......

.hope they get  jailed  and their  kids   taken away for being  retarded  camel molesters  .......i don't  do  sympathy or  empathy  or  anything for  human  beings ........they know  better we  are    dealing with dregs  dregs  of  humanity ........on an  epic  level.......  i blame the parents ....  for their   useless  parents ........Disney  now  you Carnot even  enjoy  a  day  out  without  totals  slugs  ruining it .......hey maybe  they were  at a Maury pooch   screening .......

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