Saturday, June 1, 2019

you just cannot buy class ......

The view i have  always  thought  was  an ignorant bigoted  show  and  the  reason it has  survived  much like Maury and   Jerry  springer  is  the   mass of  audience  are  fucking  goat raping hillbillies ........i mean  if you are  not  working and  at home  shoving  potato chips in your  face  while  looking after  your  kids  ....that's  the  demographics of  these  show   ...much like the  soap operas  they are   not  aimed  at  working intellectually stimulated   bi peds  ........they are  there  just to  fill the  empty  craniums of   mums  stay at home  people and  those  who think its  entertainment  when it  really is not the fuck whoopi  Goldberg  got  famous  i will never   know  she  must has  sucked a  lot of  fucking  dick  with that  nasty  face .......that's what the  protocol to get into the acting  business  apparently ......  male s  too   which would  explain .....why  half the  dudes  are  working .........

The view  is  empty headed  entertainment and  the  guest  are well   john McCain's  daughter  and  such like .....I mean   desperate  for  fame  and  attention now  daddy is  dead ......apparently a  shit   guy  ........he  did a  lot of    anti  American  stuff  apparently  ...... and  he had  a boner  for  Sarah i say all  guys  cheat ......its  just a fact ......but the  Blond  blubber  mouth  had  to  retract her  statement........ and  admit she  was a fucking  hillbilly  and  so  did  whoopi  ........her and  Joyce  behar  a  fucking nasty  bitches......   not  funny  not talented   none of  them  apart from the  hot chick .......lets be  honest  unless your  hot re  not .......its  just a fact ....i mean  who would a  male see .....whoopi or  Dylan  form the  today show........ if you are straight male  who is  hot  blooded ...but then i guess  whoopi  appeals  to the  stay at home  women with 3  kids ....... and  husband   working /cPolitics

Meghan McCain: I Didn’t ‘Literally’ Mean Democrats Should Shoot Trump—It Was ‘Metaphorical’

 By Justin Baragona,The Daily Beast Fri, May 31 12:04 PM EDT 
“I appreciated it,” McCain concluded. “Live TV. Sorry.”heating .....and not getting  poked .......its  daytime  TV ........ its  for women ........not men .....think about  it ......... soap  operas .......and  advertizing all  geared  towards  women ......not  hard  to  figure  out........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......