Saturday, June 8, 2019

times are a changing is the planet

when i came to Florida 30 years ago seemed  to me  i could spend a  day at the beach  i can hardly spend  any time seems  that it has  got  hotter ....i used t o  be able to  stay  on the  beach all day  with a  towel and just lie  there  i need at least 2 towels ....has the sand  gotten hotter  ,....or has my skin gotten thinner ........or am i just over  beaches ......but the summer are coming sooner and  getting hotter .....for sure !!!!......this may was the hottest on record ....i know  for sure it was ........yes the planet is  changing .....not sure if  it is  for the  better see  we  are getting ......look at the tornadoes the wild fire s  the  floods ......i do not think its  biblical as lots of  people  would like to believe it .......but that's only because their lives are  encased  by fear  ...and lack of  education and the  belief of  others ......who  concocted a  book   written by  drunk Prophets .......that's  just my theory ........when you don't know  much and have not leaned much ......and have not been raised  by  information ......Somone  who appears  to  be  able to  talk way better  than you can make an impact on your mind .......there are  2  kinds of people who roam the earth ......followers and leaders ......simple  dynamics .......for the  micro amount of leaders  there are  millions of  followers .......who will believe what is  said  true or not ........religion being one of  them  for instance  Joe Olsteen .....just one  name ...or  another  Carlos bonkie  could be  carlos with  K  so  i may be off  by a letter  or  2  karlos is huge in Africa  where  the  education is  not  rampant and after all is  deemed  3rd world .......he has  a gargantuan following ,,,,,,where the people are broke as  fuck .....yet  karlos lives in opulence .......hmmmmm!!!!okay enough said  ......however ......i am spinning off track rant is  not  about biblical prophecies ......just making a fucking point of   leaders  followers and  ignorance ........but the planet if  fucked .....more hurricanes  flood  and  tornadoes and  tsunamis   ......aka,,,,,natural  disasters .......or as i  would like  to say ......we  are creating more and  more  ,.......why  well because we  are  heating up the planet........we  are fucking up the ocean heating up the planet  .....depleting the rain forest .......killing animals at alarming rates thousand and  seven hundred and  77 animals are killed  every second   for  human consumption .........60% of all grain grown is  grown for animal feed .....and  1 million chicken per hour  is  consumed in America ...........we are over populating and  simply  food  is  grown faster  with less  nutritional value  to meet  demands  of  consumption and  sadly the  waste in America  is  massive  ....its  not used for  to  feed  the  lees  fortunate ,........same in UK ......we  don't care  we  are  reckless in our  consumption  faster  cars  more  materials need  to produce ......and it  is  all to  do with image and  how  we  need  to have  better  faster  easier  mor e comfortable  lives .......we all  have smart phones ......but these  smart  phones    have precious minerals in them to make them work......we  don't think about what it takes  to get them  nope !!!!!a long as we  can get face book we  don't care ......tons of  geological  damage  to get the  metal  harvested  to get that product one  cares  how  much  damage is  cost to get it or lives  .........just a fraction of  what  we  are  .....smith field farms in north Carolina  pollutes  fields of  highly  toxic  animal waste ......all because  of  bacon and  pig .........incidentally  i heard it was  bought by the Chinese .......oh well there  goes ...the neighbourhood know they will not care  about  what happens to the  pigs know they want money  money money ........thats  what this is  all about  money ......nothing else ......we are  killing the planet for  the buck   ....consumerism .....stays image ....better  clothes  faster  cars we can  have  our  cake and  eat it ........we  keep  breeding having the kids one  cares  about overpopulating  kid  ..........another  mouth to feed  .....but we  are  selfish  everyone of  us .......we are  eperiencing mor epowerful disaters look at the whole california  wildfires pleasnt  it was  called or  something pleasant ......well not  anymore .......but hey ....its the price we a re paying for  our  sins  .....flooding out of  homes  by rivers .....i am not sure  about anyone else  but i am not living somewhere  near or  aound or  below  a  place i deem  dangerous .....simple fact .......whne you egt  fucked  by mother  nature stay or  get  fucked  again ...if it happens  once   rule of  thumb ......your  going to  get  whacked in the  ass  again in tornado alley ......guess what ....yep sirrrreee  bob !!!!!!ya  gonna  get  fucked  again ...........we  are the ones  ....that  bring all this  shit on ......and  its  only going to get worse .......we  have  done a  good   job  of  fucking up mother  earth     we  are   destroyon the  rainforest at the  rate  of  a football  field  every  second ........incidentally  the  rain forest is  caled  lungs of the  earth .....simple ignorance have  2 lungs and  keep smoking ......guess w hat  you are  going to pay the  price   ...just as we will on a larger  scale  with mother  earth ......if we  all started  tomorrow  to  try and  fix  mother  earth will  take a  100 years  to  start to feel  effects  ....the  deforestation is  epic  the oceans  are s o  fucking polluted .....beyond   ......micro beads  are  found in  every single  seafood .......yep this  little   facial bead  things .....that  and  other  things ......not to mention everything that is   fucked into the  ocean ,.....its the largest toilet for  us ........still we  will only  leave a  legacy of  destruction .....we  are   pre genetically  dispositioned   in our  existence long as  we  only care  about  ourselves  our kids  our  families and  our  houses  and  nothing else  and our  nice things  the  enviorment will reap the cost at  our  desire  ...........and we  are  showing no signs of  slowing down or change  .....we throw away more shit  eat more  shit  have more kids .....and  pollute  without  thinking ......every time a kid is  born  diapers .....just the  tip .......i know don't  have  kids   right  how  selfish of me ........i know there is not enough  children .......still ......we   cannot  complain when a  house  gets  swept  away  our  homes  get  burnt to a  cinder ...or  our  streets  get  flood   or  out   entire  belongings  get  washed  away in a  flood ......its not  gods   fault ......its  all down  to each and  everyone of  us .......

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  I am lost for words  here .....i mean what the  fuck is wrong with our  world  ......  kids   killing  anyone ........ adults   ........wa...