Sunday, June 9, 2019

wearable art .......

i was ta my fav place .....#petanque......this is like no other  its a  french kitchen bar ....but it feels like you are someone  back it has  bowling ......and great great   music.......from house  to  reggae to live entertainment,.,,,,,,and absinth .......and Foosball......and of course i  can go there  hang and  get coffee  and not  need  to drink and  feel  very welcome .........its an amazing place  ,.....owned  by 2 Parisian brothers .........but then what else would one  expect  from a  country France.......and the great thing is  because its not a chain franchise or one of  those less intimate  gatheirngs .....there is someone  there  selling art ......wearable art .......i never  gave much thought to  until i saw  .....#artforrealdotcom.....selling art in the  form of  clothing .......yes  i never  really thought about it ......really interesting expressive art in the  form of  clothing .......and when it comes to art of  a kind  clothing ...not mass produced .......maybe a fashion show at  petanque,,,,,,,,its a great place  to literally do  anything ......their previous venture was  rendezvous downtown west Palm beach .....another amazing place nothing else  i had  seen  incredible  lofty restaurant club art gallery restaurant  theme......genius  ....but as always the greed of  landlords and  the  west Palm beach downtown mentality put and  end to this great place ......but  only to find out  that  building owners of  properties and  places  like their places to stay  empty ......why  well  a  tax  break  its a loss makes  sense  when  you see  empty  shops  and silly of  me  to think that they were being   stupid   ...when its  a  money thing ,....America  i should have known better ........
Anyways  wearable  art ......great idea  ......unique......different  and   you can be  very  very  expressive and you can make  some thought provoking statements  in clothing .......especially with all the  hostility and  mental shit  going on  today .......good luck artforealdotcom.......they are on instagram a @ artforrealdotcom......good cluck hope you have a  fashion show ......and make it big ......great  idea!!!!!!!

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