Friday, June 14, 2019

And why would they.......

You don't have to be too smart to figure this one out!!!!!!!.......that's why ......horses are just commodities in the racing world .......the ewuine world is big big business......and lots of money .......there will be another one comes along think they are going to close a track because of a mere horse death .......fuck no !!!!!!........if you think that your head is up your the UK traders are compared to. Gyppos ....khakkers.....theives ....its a nasty dirty greedy....narcasisstic business ....similar to the dog racing ......its money. ...nothing personal ........oh I know you are going.   To say. ...poor animal these people. Its the wallet. Nothing else people. In this business dont give a fuck ....a horse is a status symbol
.....and as soon as its fucked to the knickers yard for steak .......oh no !!!!!you say not our.  Precious pony......yes glue meat whatever....its a liability to rich people .......I live in horse country and have heard horror stories of the horse business .....but I am not surprised ....I mean lets be honest.....whats the difference to a meat eater between a horse and a say before you get on your high horse ......excuse the pun could not resist it .......i hate hypocricy its an animal much like your dog ...its an accessory may. Live in denial ....but its an serves your need to fill an empty void of love ....because unlike human beings ..digs cannot. Get up and leave your whining dumb ass they have to listen to your stupid shit ......but so long as you feed them they will put up with your pathetic existence .....if you want proof try walking them without a lead they will run off ....mostly ......its not like they can rent a u haul throw their toy collection and kennel and fuck off to say rhode island or the hamptons because they are sick of your shit .....nope they have to stay .....and listen to your sorry ass........but you can see my point ....animals are nothing more than accquisitions....that human beings collect along the path of life ......

From Discover on Google

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......