Friday, June 14, 2019

Not in America.......

America is not a 3rd world country why would anyone leaving a shithole ......bring a shithole mentality a civilized country ........that is absolute complete and utter stupidity demonstrates a level of ignorance ....that. Is below sub human .........i am not saying sharia law is wrong works in accordance with the fucking bunghole of humanity....where it was conceived .......listen ......I am no ambassador for the human race .....i never claimed to be .....all I know is America is a civilized country ...or business depending on how you perceive it........and its forefathers funded it by a set of rules just like these guys did their rules of dehumizing women do not differ much from biblical interpretations......which I am not for either ......but its america .....just like its a fucking desert dry infested shithole .......but when you leave you shithole of epic proportions .......leave your shithole mentality there ....and look forward to the American way it the right way ........I don't fucking know ......but its america ......not the most honest place on earth ....but why do you want to leave your shithole place ........for a better life right .........well don't bring all your shit here .....start afresh .......i am scottish ......but don't have that macho.....och aye the. Noo!!!!!!!stupid scotland the brave mentality .......because it belongs in that country .......scotland to me is not my country if it was .......I would still be there leave a place becsuse it out grew it ........or you simply want a better life as the old appendage goes .......when in Rome .......does as they do .....dont bring your fucking garbage ignorant uneducated archaic backward disrespectful ..culture .....because in the end it will re coil some how somewhere ......and in your mach self indulgent narcasisstic will. Be forced to defend your beliefs .....and your stupity will magnify ...through your ignorance and macho insecurity and low self esteem .....and all it will do make you look a bigger piece of shit than you already are .......just a reminder.  Survival is not of the fittest......its the ability to adapt to any situation you are encased .....submerged part of or intergrated into never need to give up your self ....just the garbage mentality you inherited .......always better to change ......unless you don't like the new person you will become ......

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