Tuesday, September 26, 2017

there is no excuse for this

As long as blood courses through my veins ...i will never  understand this  shit ......i mean  his wife is hot ....... but  going for an  underage  girl .......there is no excuse  ......

the law is the law ....and he  broke it ......it was not like he  did not know   he was  married  ......i just do not  get  this  whole  deal .....

well he will have plenty time to think   anyways ....

Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin have lied again, again and again

Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin have lied again, again and again
Standing before a federal judge Monday morning, Anthony Weiner sobbed as he faced sentencing for sexting a 15-year-old girl. He had hit rock bottom, he told the judge. He was making amends to his wife, Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin, and their 5-year-old son, Jordan. Public approbation no longer mattered to him, nor did his now-ruined political career nor his public reputation. He was once mentally diseased, but since his arrest in May by the FBI, no more. The judge didn’t buy it, sentencing Weiner to 21 months in prison. It wasn’t for lack of trying on Weiner’s part, though. “I focus on how I live my new, smaller, healthier life one day at a time,” Weiner said. “I was a very sick man

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......