Friday, August 11, 2017

christmas in july .....r u fucking nuts .

 I keep hearing everywhere Christmas in July ........only in America ...... the  materialistic ........ overspending credit ridden  ....image driven country............. where its important  for women to have pother reason to shop ....

like they do not  have enough reason .....not  to mention the sexually frustrated ....... ones who  go shopping because they are not getting fucked enough ......

we all know that a babe ....... who is  not getting  eaten out is ...... itchy...... and bitchy...... and twitchy ...... so  she goes  shopping  get  a her  jollies ........ because she is  not  belng  fulfilled  downstairs  ........

Then there is  the   bitch ......who  just loves  to shop till she  drops ......its a  disease  .........and the husbands  are   are enablers........  just  accept it  because....... every now and then their  blue balls get emptied .....or they cannot afford a  divorce...... or the kids will be taken away  and then there is  child support.........

America is the e economic engine of the world know  malls......  and  women......... love malls  and  not to mention they  love  buying clothes  ......and stuff   ....also ........ not to  mention they love  buying stupid  useless  shit ......... like  bathroom towels  they  do not  use never  ceases  to amaze me who came  up  with that one  ....what a fucking s cam 

I personally blame  Martha stewart...... and  all these old  ladies .......... who  came  up with the 20 pillows for the bed  ....... you do not use  what are you fucking nuts  ....but  some  cunt makes  money out of  it ........

men do not  give a  fuck .......... about any of that shit ..........they will put up with  ........because once you have a  kid ........the guy is  fucked ......... he is   going nowhere.........  unless he wants  child  support.......... and  putting up  with  aggravation .....that's  what  happens   simple .....

malls  are  designed  for  women............ and the seats in there  .........are  for  men to sit........ and  wait while .......... women  spend  their  money ....simple ......its  designed  for  that reason......... the  American  dream ........ or  debt  .......whatever  you  call it .......

its  not  about you .......its  about getting her  to spend  all the money........ and  create   debt....... and ....... jobs. and manufacturing .....the American  engine .......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......