Sunday, August 13, 2017

The sheep minded masses are not seeing the real picture......

The trouble with the world is  its full of  empty headed sheep minded zombies .....who follow and  do what they are told  .......why!!!!!well ......they have  got themselves in a jam....... or they are too stupid ........ and weak to  think  for themselves .......

There will never be an end to stupidity...... and  simple minded  weakness...... on a mass  scale ......but the powers that be want this .......

if  all people had  individual thinking....... and  thought drives ...... then  mass  powers  would no have  control ......

but people need to be told what to do ....where to shop  for this ...... ads  for that ......and  of course...... the  greatest  sheep minded  gathering is  the  malls  .....clever  design technology...... and its  a science at its  best .......seats for men to sit on....... while their  wives/ girlfriends  shop .......

look at the back to school shit....billions are spent.........  and  they have to.......  for school ...... how else are they   going to indoctrine  future  zombie  weak  kids ......... for  manipulation......... school a  bed  of  lies ........ to make your  kids  a  fucking  pile of  idiots  ........including vaccinating them ......we Ali know what that's  about .....

but its  all pressure......  religion...... image......  and   the  ability  to appear like you are a  good parent ....really ......if  you took it  to a sane  level......  then you would realize  you  are  being fucked over.......   because of  your   parent  coerced  mentality  of  today .....

the Powers  that be ....... need religion..... education...... malls.... and  spending...... and  people  to get  married ..... to have kids ......  to  follow rules .... so you can be  controlled ...... and  do  what you have to  do  to  keep a family together   .......

  its money ...... you have to spend have no  choice .........  its your choice  to get married ...... have kids  ..........and then you are trapped  else  does  America  survive  ......if  every  cunt  did not  partake in the plan  it would not  .......

it  works on numbers...... massive  numbers ........ and the odds  are  stacked  against your ass ...

you have  kids ...... you have to go to movies ....... the malls ...... the places  kids  spend......  Disney world ...... things to do with  kids ....... and it  all costs  money ....... all the time

  and  someone  somewhere is  making  piles of  it....... and your spending piles of It on your  kids  ......

that's why they want you  to get married ..... and have  kids ....... you  are fed  guilt ridden scenarios  ......and  made  to feel  if you don't  your a loser  ....

.its  part of  the  scheme  to  keep you down...... and in a  job you  do not  want........ and probably hate.......  and  you  cannot leave .......  because if you do ...... you lose the house  ......the  kids ..... the  car..... and then child support......  you are trapped ..... pure  and  simple ....... and you have  to play the  game  whether  you like it or  not ......

meanwhile ...... the rich get rich .......and you  just keep paying .....your house ........ you do not own .......the bank owns  ......and you have to  keep it up.......   and  buy the  fence to keep out the  neighbours  .......your  appearance  your  stuck......   your towels you do not use ........ the pillows on the bed ...... you  don't  need ........ the  table  ware that  never gets used .....its  all business .......and you have to  keep up the image ....... or you feel you  failed ......... because  you are brainwashed ...... you don't know you are.....  but you are .....

if you do not show will  feel left out........ and  not popular  by your  friends .......... who only care  what you show........  and  not what's  is in your  mind ......

your  self esteem .....guilt......and image....... to show  you are a  parent  ....otherwise your a  failure.......  and the stigma  that  goes with it   is  not acceptable

of  course don't  know you are .......  part of the  mass of  sheep minded are too busy to  see the  field for the trees ........

parents in America ......and UK....... the so called  civilized countries .....are forced....... and coerced ....... by pressure others   so they all feel  they have a  common goal and when a family do  something they do not  see  is  normal they are abusive .........

so here is a thought ...... what is normal .......not wanting your  kid  vaccinated  to  fit in because there is something in it for the  govt ......not  normal because your  kid   does  not eat the jimmy dean lunch packs ........not normal because  the parent does  not have the  bumper sticker  or the  trophies for  showing up .......

its alla game which you are part of ....and its  what the  powers you cannot and  dont see want you to be doing ...otherwise  how  do they make  money .......

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