Thursday, August 10, 2017

american beer is piss weak

being European tends  to  frown on American beer .....why........ its piss weak ....unlike European beer  .........which is strong....... and meant to be  drunk at room temperature .......

beer  here is  served  chilled wrong ......a real beer  person knows this the fact .......American alcohol content is way weaker than their  European friends  .......why........ i  can bet you its all boiling down to the  usual American  dollar bill .......if you sell shite weak beer sell more  duh !!!!!  not  a  hard one to figure that fucker out .......

look at the  brewers in America  mostly getting fucking sold out  Budweiser no longer  American at all .....i think its  Brazilian .........

when i came here...... people would tell me they drink a case of  bud .....yes its  fucking piss beer , Wonder .......and someone is  making  shit load of it ....... the weaker the beer  the more you get drunk and  addicted  to it ........simple  fact .......Americans  are happy to  pay money for  shit piss  beer  ......not sure  why  ......but they gladly pay way too much  for  a  shite  product .......

its kind of  a  step above a  shandy...... as we  call it in UK .......looks like piss......  tastes  like piss ......but hey!!!!!!!1 if you are  brainwashed  enough....... you will drink piss  through an old  sock ...............its always advertised As a  manly drink  too!!!!  .......and i hate to see  women guzzle  beer  form a  bottle....... its  classless ....maybe its a culture  thing .........but hey if thats what you like about  chicks...... its your  bag ....tellS me  a lot about a women ......simple .......take it or leave it!!!!!!!!! ......

corona's $7.3 billion parent company acquired a beloved craft brewer — and furious customers are threatening to ditch the beer

Business Insider 16 hours ago 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......