Tuesday, August 15, 2017

are we meant to feel sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are we meant to feel sorry for her ......i sure as  fuck  dont  ....she obviously never  took her  brain to be  exercised ........maybe vanity and intelligence .. do not  go hand in  hand ......in this  so called  sport ........

maybe if she had a  little  common sense ...... she  might be  alive .......seems  she  had  muscles and  no  fucking brains ..... really !!!!!!

Like i have  always said .......  a  perfect teeth ......and  body...... is  more important than in  intelligence .......she is  not a good  role model for  aussie women .......g'day mate ......or  g'bye ........maybe she might have  read  more  about  anatomy .......than trying to  get the  perfect bod .........

something goes  amiss  in this mindset  ,.......but  hey  there is  always a price  to pay for  shit ......hers  was  not reading  .....

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......