Friday, July 21, 2017

social media scum

well social media  has  created  nothing but slugs ...............and if you listen to the  video..........  these  are not the  brightest  cunts on the planet ............they hardly speak decent  English .............. some  sort of   washed out ghetto  shit ................ and they are high ........
wonder  where there dads  are  .....gone ........if you have a  dad  have  some  sort of  semblance in life ............. or you need  a powerful mum..........

but this is  social media  ...........creating basically just  people  who  don't  care ........i personally think the last 3 generations have  gone  down the  shit tube .............but there  are some  that  are okay ......... 

YouTube .......and  face book ............ have  just created  people  that will do  anything to  get  noticed .......... people  desperate  for  attention ........  on a  cyber platform

well this is  an all time  low for human beings ............... but then  what can you expect .....its their  form of  entertainment ..........

he was a  disabled  guy ..........who could not swim ......and he was  entertainment  for  low life  drug infused  teenagers  ......this is where  we  have gotten too .......

there is no law   saying that high kids  can watch a  disabled  man  drown ...... well just shows  you were  we  are heading .......

cocao beach florida is not one  of the most intelligent pelaces i have been too  ....its like a redneck beach place ...........i found it to be  really nasty place .......

it seems like a  deliverance mentality ........hence this would  explain the  situation ........i dont  think it has  changed  much 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......