Friday, July 21, 2017

The 1 Thing Men Find Irresistible in a Woman ..ts caled vagina

this is not a hard one  to  figure out ......99.99999% of red  blooded straight men ............will tell you the thing that they find  irresistible  pussy!!!!!!! .........

now you can  cut this  any way you want ..........but a man is  attracted  to  banging the vag ......they will   bare faced  lie..........  and  deny  it ........... but its the   magnetism of  vag  .........that drives  nuts 

i mean........ once he  has   had the  family........ he is  trapped .........  he  has  to do what he is  told ............ because  ...........if  he  does  not ........  she will take the   kids...........  and  hold  them as  collateral in a  divorce............  and this is  what is  known as  pussy whipped ...............

men ..........straight hot  blooded  men like  me..........  will tell a woman  anything  they want to hear  ...........because ......... we  want sex   .....its healthy .........  any men say that  they don't  ......... are  ether  one of  two  things ..........  gay .......... or fucking lying  like  a horse  thief ........

men  marry women  because they  think they are getting pussy for life ........... and  a cook never  turns  out that way.......... thats why they get divorced ......

women trade  sex  for  love..........  and  men will trade  love for  sex ........... and that's the   deal ......and when they do not  get sex  ..........they think the women  do'nt  love them  simple  fact  .......

and then  when they do not fuck ............ they  think the women  does  not love them  .......this is  why   shit  goes  bad ..........

we  have  not evolved  much  and that's  how it is  !!!!!!...................


The 1 Thing Men Find Irresistible in a Woman

Looks can hook a guy, but what is it that keeps them wanting more? After discussing the topic with some guy friends, my boyfriend, and even my parents, I noticed a particular trait that was consistent across conversations. It was agreed that the sexiest trait in a woman by far is independence. Independent women are assertive, are self-assured, and play by their own rules. They don't need anybody else but themselves to validate who they are. So when it comes to relationships, they're low maintenance as partners because they're busy running their own lives. They know when and what to give without being overbearing and have enough confidence to thrive on their own. Here's what so

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......