Monday, July 24, 2017

well i am not sure  about anyone else ......i just thought all women were  bi-sexual .......for many reasons may i add ........ as a  straight hot blooded male .......

as all men say  ...every women is 5 drinks short of being a rug muncher /carpet on and  so  forth ........

i myself  have  always said that women taste  themselves  anyways .......... when they are  with a Man ..........they  suck his dick ......or whatever terminology you wanna  use........  and they taste  their  own bits  on his  wang ........and they like it .......of course  you are  going to  have  all this   no!!!!no!!!!no!!!!....bollocks .......

women  mostly  shove or finger  bang themselves  ...........and they experiment on each know......  when they have  sleep overs  ......wink .....!!!!!wink!!!!!!...we all know that girly sleepover  shit  goes  down is  how they find out shit ........

a lot of  women are in denial ........ but they are curious  as  fuck  about   jumping the fence  ............or  as  the  media  would  call it .........the  lady pond ..........

now women have the  spooky shit  going on...........  which men  do not  posses.......when women  habituate  together  ..........they start  bleeding together........  or   whatever  you  wanna  call it ........

now  charleze  can  talk  all she  wants..........  but  women  are  just   too  emotional ....... and  as i said .......... they  taste  their own  vag  .......... whether its  through  banging a dude.............   or  simple   playing  at pillow fight  ........ or drinking......... and pillow  fights .......

and  also  women can  do  bi sexual shit  ............which if  men  did ......... would be  known as  gay  are a  few  things that women  can do that men  cannot ......

1.they sleep in the same  bed  man  would  even  consider it .....

2.they share  tampons if  necessary .....unused  ones  of  course...........

3.clothes.........even underwear .........

4.they will go  naked  around  each other  do not  straight ones  anyways .......

5.women will cuddle  each other.........  and  drink wine.........   and  watch  chick flicks  .....for a  straight man that would be  gay .......

6.they will hold hands  on night out ........and  sit on each others  lap ......that's would  a  a  solid  gay move by a straight man .........

so there is no  shock about this one ........ i personally think all women  have munched a rug in their  existence ........

straight men  know this  ......women can deny it all they  want  but   its  the  truth ........

Good Morning America

Charlize Theron explains why it's important that her 'Atomic Blonde' character is bisexual

 JOI-MARIE MCKENZIE,Good Morning America 4 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......