Monday, July 24, 2017

kids ....

I never  ever  wanted  kids ....for the simple  fact  ........mostly  its  a pain in the ass .......

guys  have them out of pressure .......... and women have them out of  guilt .....or because......... they do not love themselves  enough .........and need  something to  fill an empty  void .......

I got sickened out of  seeing kids  being  used against grandparents in my family  .......

its a  female mentality they  always use  kids  to  their  advantage  ....i  saw  this  time and time  again......

Especially when ones  marriage  fails........  and the grandparents have to step up ..........  because they feel  obligated .....and  even to a point ...........they have to lend their  name  to  a  women......... who  failed as a mother ....... and a human being .............otherwise she would have kept the name ............gave it up out of  embarrassment ........

when you have  kids.......... you are responsible ........even when they grow .........up  you never  get rid of parents never............ its why i left.........sick of seeing them  get  hassled......... and hustled .........every day of their  existence ..........

i personally think......... if my mum and  dad ever left their  place  they lived  ....incidentally a shithole .............they would  still never have got peace .......

This poor  bastard  below  git  shafted  good  and proper .......but there will be no end  to  idiots  getting  caught up with kids .......

the worst thing i hate  is  when a  women sees  a  woman pregnant and  she  says i  am next ......its  alife  how  can  somoene  be so reckless ......

now there are some people who do get miracles ......and un planned ....... and god  bless  them   some  people  so depseratley  want kids ........good luck chuck !!!!!!

i might have though different if  i did not see  so much  crap  growing up .........maybe it was not my given .......i am glad  anyways .......

texas man ordered to pay $65K in child support for kid who isn’t his

New York Post 14 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......