Friday, July 7, 2017

if you do not resist

people have become so weak and  complacent .......if you do not  stand up to these  corporate douchbags they will shit all over you ........

people have lost their  spine  today........... if you pay for something ............ and  don't  get what you  want  why  bend  to fit these   slug .............

the airline industry is  just like and  aviation  version of  Denny's............  its   shite  and they are cramming people  in like  sardines  .............

but people  will not   stop using them ........if  everyone  stopped  using them .......... they would  fold  .........but  that will not happen ........if  everyone stopped  using  gas  for a day would  fuck  shit  up  ...........but  peope will not  they are  enslaved  to  life  .......... simple ......

as long as there are consumers ............. corporations  especially in America ........... are  just going to shite  all ovee people ......... and  people in America  love  getting shit on ............. if they did'nt  why are they not  doing anything about it .........................

Good Morning America

United Airlines gives away toddler's seat, forces mom to hold him during flight

 ABC NEWS,Good Morning America 16 hours ago 

ABOUT TIME ........

  Federal workers have had it way too easy  ......way too long  a.......nd  now  a new  boss is  coming ........oin to  kick some   federal ...