Friday, July 7, 2017

reality bollocks

if you think reality TV is  real .............then you are dumber than you look......... and your  kids  think you are  

all these  fucking fools on reality TV......... are  wanting fame  and  they are getting paid ...............

but like these  fuck wads  below ............i cannot believe  dopey cunts  watched  this  for  that many seasons ..........

duck dynasty is  an indicator of how  many stupid  cunts there rse in the  world ........ especially in  Americas  where it  gets   famous  ......

a show  about a family that makes  millions  from duck  callers  you have to be shitting me .......

but there are enough  dumb cunts  to  get it ratings  ......not only that's   they done  wonders   for  camouflage  industry   i mean  camouflage ....... how    much  of  a redneck  does one  wanna  be  if you wear  camouflage  to wal mart  your a redneck ..........

its the worst  clothing ever.....i guess if  you Live in  bumfuck  USA ....... you  are one  trendy  redneck  cunt .......simple .....

call me a  snobby  cunt.........  but i would not be  seen  dead  with it  ........its  screams  hillbilly sister  fucker ........ maybe i am  judge mental bastard ........... but i  do not  see  anyone  rush to   pay  my go  fuck ......

reality  stars are  All paid.........if  they are not  they are  fucking a bout  as  much  good  as  an  ashtray on a Harley  Davidson.......why would you do anything for  free in  america   its a  butt fuck country  

no one  does  fuck all for free   here  everyone is  about money greed  and image  and  disloyalty ................''

its how things  are   not cynical  just  realistic ........ even friends   fuck  friends  and  steal wives  all in the name of  money ........

it takes tome and trust to be a  real friend one   comes  out of the  blue  and   just  befriends  you ....... 

however  these  deliverance  fucks...........  i thought  were  wankers ........... all reality is  a sham ........... its  money and  ratings  and  getting your  d dumb ass  to watch  the shite .......

more people would be  dying if  it was  real 

look at the  naked  and  afraid.......... or survivor you know its  shite  .......the worst is the bachelor  its   very  stupid  and  America a is  very  sexually repressed  it  ............ does not  like to show  nudity ..........  but will show   extreme  death and  violence  go  figure  .....Pilgrim  mentality

The Sinister Behind The Scenes Secrets From The Cast Of Duck Dynas

Reality TV show Duck Dynasty has long dominated American television, despite rumors that the majority of its episodes were actually scripted. Just how real is the reality show? We take a look back at the most shocking secrets and lies, and answer the biggest question of all: what exactly is the deal with the long beards?!

1. Show’s Over Folks

I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............