Saturday, July 8, 2017

electric cars are a scam

i think electric cars are a  scam ........... pure and simple ......not to mention the fact .......when they break  down .......

for what you pay for them  takes a while for your investment to recoup ..............

Its bad  enough to buy a new  car .............  anyways you have to be a putz .........or  fucking stupid  rich............that term  goes hand in hand ........

stupid  rich .........they can afford to  be stupid and  fuck up  ............normal broke ass  cunts like me ........... cannot  afford   to buy a new  car......... drive it  off the lot and  lose  say  approx  7  grand ........... or there abouts  depending how  much you spend on a  new  car .......

I have never understood the whole idea of  buying a new  car ............i done it once  fucked  up  ..........and  would never  do it again .......its a  massive loss of  money 

once you sign the  papers........... it  automatically loses  thousand's  .......i was in car  sales ......... and its  a parasitical  existence of  lies  .........and  cheating and  being a complete  cunt will lie ....... and  cheat anyone  in the business  to sell a  car  .......

car  salesman  pretend they care  ........they  care about one  thing .....that's it ......they will tell you anything to  get you  to walk away  with a car...........anything .....

i worked for  ford .......... probably the  worst ......... and lowest of  all people on the human food  chain ............

despeicable  is  not even in words ..........  they are  below the  food  chain........if you like  fucking ........or  being fucked .......... ford is  the king of  fuckers ....... and fuckees .......all they  do teach you to  be the worst  cunt ..........than you already are  .....if they could reach in your  coffin ........and  take your  wallet they will .....that bad !!!!!!

this  generation of  electric  cars  are overpriced  ..........and the people  who think  they are  making  difference..........  you  still have to use oil...........  to make  electricity    so its  a win  win  situation for  oil companies .......

electric  cars .......... and  hybrids .......... are   fucking useless ........... and when the batteries  fuck up...... its  thousand   and  thousands ...........

its a  great scam though........ if you are  stupid  enough to  fall  for it ........ its  your   Dumb ass  money  that's  wasted  

car makers ......dealers ........ and  suppliers ......... are  pure and utter  fucking bullshitters ......... of  the highest orders ............ they  are  like the  the king of liars...........  its  a fucking  desperate  industry  .......... if you find a  good mechanic your  lucky as  fuck ......they are  rare  like  rocking horse  shit .....

and you need a  specialist to  work on hybrid ............ electric  cars ......... good  luck  on your  compassion.......... for  saving the world   .........its   too late  fuckers  ....good  way to  cash in on  guilt though ........

automakers are ignoring a potential nightmare scenario for electric cars

 Matthew DeBord,Business Insider 15 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......