Saturday, July 8, 2017

rape and abortion a woman should always abort in the case of rape

i have probably ranted about this one  before ......but ......any women that is  raped........  and gets  knocked up .......should abort  it right !!!!!.......

i   mean  why would a woman keep a child  from a rape !!!!!...........

what sort of subnormal  bitch would want to be reminded of  that  harrowing encounter...............unless of  course ........... like  67 percent of  American women............   who  fantasize about being raped  ........hopefully its  just fantasy ............

rape is a  crime ........... unless you are a  Muslim ...........they do not seem to care  anything about the female  in their  culture ............ they  marry  children .....that's  a third world mentality ..........

but in a  civilized  culture called  American  culture ........ ...surely no woman in  her  right mind  ( and i am being generous ).....................would keep a child  from  Rape ............unless she is  fucking absolutely never  gonna  be  fucked  again .............or  is one  desperate  bitch to be a mother  ...........and what sort of  kid is  that  going to be  when half of its is  from  a rapist dad ..........

its every women  right to decide  to have  an  abortion .........or  not   but rape  cannot  fall under that surely women would  want  rape  child   unless your a  fucking  ghetto  slug  .........or  some  low life  trailer  fuck  .........who  does  net   get a chance of  a child  or moonshine  baby ........................

and educated  civilized  person .........would first   charge the person with rape ............ obviously  then abort  .......can you imagine  looking   at a   kid  knowing its  dad  is a  fucking   rapist and   dirt bag ........

i know where i  come  from ............( not born ......... just lived in the fucking bunghole).......... in Denny Scotland  .........there has  been load of  illegitimate   births  from   total  fucking slugs..........  iin my gene pool  ........... its  was once  a  great pool ......... now its  fucking septic  polluted   beyond  ...... .... this is  what happens  when  self loathing drugs  ..........and  low  self  esteem ........and  hatred  gets infused .........

A rape child  will be  fraught with mental problems ............and  will eventually rare its ugly crime  ridden head............ its in the genes...   it  happened  in my family  ............the  free loading dead  boat loser   fucking alchoholic  piece of  shite  dead  beat  dads  ............. came  through in the kids .........shitting out kids like lottery  tickets  

a myriad of  abandonment issues .......... hatred ......... spite fullness ............. jealousy ..............and   ones  uncontrollable urge to  be   a whore ......... ended up in the  gene  pool  fucked up .......

alcohol and on  inability  to determine how much a  whore  woman ......... is  will always  end up in a  fucking  mess  

desperate people ........... with abandonment issues ............... will fuck and shit out kids............  as  long as  anyone will have them  ..........   any monkey ........... and their uncle.........  can have  kids  it   proven  where  i live  .......

still if all you  can  get...........  is a rape child .........  then  that's  all you can  get ,.........

A New Bill Would Force Women to Tell Their Rapist If They Seek an Abortion

PopSugar 7 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......