Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Do you know why i love this  contest .........unlike most things in America  cannot be  rigged ........

its  fucking eating............. and you  either  scoff them fuckers ...........or you don't! .........

joey is the man who  can eat  hot  dogs............ its  raw  its  real ............and its   fucking hilarious ..........

but even better............  its incredibly insane.......... and these  guys are truly fucking nuts ........... and   sportsmen ........

they consume  an amount of  food.......... that would kill most people ......... not too mention the salt content ......its a fucking skill .......

i miss the tsunami ......... but  joey is the  mike Tyson of  hot  dog eating ............the guy is   a  fucking legend   .......

good job joey ............  hope  you win  next year  he  deserves the victory ....................

Record-Breaking Hot Dog Champ Joey Chestnut's Net Worth

 Joe Difazio,International Business Times 22 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......