Monday, July 10, 2017

cheaters relity Tv show ......maybe ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

there  is a TV reality show in America  called  CHEATERS..........its a  so called  detective agency .........

its basically a show  abut cheating couples ...........

now......... all i  can say is  when you cheat ,.......the  outcome is  never  glamorous ........for  both sides .......i personally have  done it myself  on a few  occasions ........only because i was never  in love .... ......just lust driven .........

i think love is  a fabricated  thing for  society  for the purpose of  control........everyone to his own i guess !........

there has been many songs  written about love ........

but its a  great money maker........  for  things like  engagement rings ........ worth nothing ...........  but people  buy them songs  value  but men  have to  buy them .......weddings  a  great  biz ......also the underside  divorce.......... great  biz dress makers  .......valentines  day ........etc .....etc.......

i personally do not  believe in love  .....never  have  done ........ because in The  blink of  an  eye .......... a  women  can turn  bad .......... and   hold your kids  against you in a  moment whew n she hates  you .........

still if  everyone  was a n emotionless  bastard  like  me .............. there  would be  no  weddings...........  or  parties......... or  engagement ............or  wedding cake makers   ..............

we  need    people  to  believe  shit .......... to spend money  after  all.......... if there  was  none of  it  would be  real........ and  boring  right .......

you need  fairy tale  bollocks  of  love ......when in fact all men want if  pussy and  food .........fact  two  basic  needs  of  a man ......... this s  after all why  he  gets  married ......... because he thinks   he will get a life time of  both  clit........... and   food  .........

then he  finds  out......... after  he is  married dries  up..........  and  then he  ends up cooking sometime ...........or  mostly ......... when the kids  roll in lies  just  facts......

and  even worse ..........  no sex ......... when the kids   come  along........... or  very little ...........just a few  pointers  on the love  deal .........

so this is why men  cheat ......... when a women   stops  banging him he ......... feels  that is she is not  b  loving  him  ...........he is  not  so called  love   men  equate  sex  with love .......and women  reward  men with sex  if  they show  love   simple  dynamics .......

so when men are  not having sex..........  they  look  for  love in  another  women  ........... because his   little  head  thinks   that's  love  ..........its  a   male  ego  thing .......

when the guy is  getting new  sex  ........... with the  women........... he is  cheating with .........he thinks  she loves  him .......and the old one is  done ........ this is why men cheat ,........women  do not see it like  that  ..............but  hey   its good  for  business  divorce  and  such like ......etc ......etc.

men  cannot help  cheating.........  very.......  very .........very  few   stray  ........... but  most  men  cheat or ......... think about it........   or  even are good  at it  hiding it ..........

pussy/vagina/clit/vag/cunt .............  whatever   you wanna  call it /.........its a powerful tool women  use  to control the men ............. and men are  easily controlled  with some  fine  pussy .......hence the term   pussy whipped .........

thousands and  thousands of  years ......... and  the   game  continues  of  love and  sex will always be that way .........

man  cannot resist  a  new  pussy ........and when he  ain't getting none  at home .............. and  some  fresh is  given to him ......mostly like  he is  going to take it ...............


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......