Saturday, July 15, 2017

you think !!!!!!!!!

As i am not the  greatest of  lover of human beings............... in general ........i think the  mass of  bi peds  crawling along the face of  the earth ..............are   about as  much  good  as  a pork chop at  Jewish  wedding .........

However ...........there are  at least  1-2%percent  worth salvation ......and i may struggle myself to be in there if the truth be known .......but the rest  should  be  harvested ......... or  fed  to sharks............. or   basically  used  to  fill in  extinct  volcanic holes ..............or potholes .......or  even  working volcanoe  holes  ..........

however............. the  idiot below.............. has  a problem getting a job .......because  he  has   devasta8 tattooed  on his  face  from  time  to  time ............ we  all  get  rebellious .........and i  get it ,..........but you have to stop  for life .......... for  a moment  ..............and  realized  the act  he  bestowed  upon his  face  had   dire  consequences ......unless your a fucking rock star  ............. you  are well  and  truly  fucked ........

and i think this  guy is  well and truly fucked .............on many levels  ........he was not  thinking long term............WHO the fuck wants  an ex-con.......... with this ............... there is no   answer to stupidity................

and of course  alcohol  was involved .......... it  creates  people  to  do much shit .........  hence the outcome  .......

i  have no sorrow  for stupid  cunts ........... and  this  guy might be the  king of  stupid  cunts ......what afucking plank.........he  may  have  to consider  wearing make up  for  life ......... or maybe  consider   becoming a rock star.............

there will never  be  an  end  to stupid   people ............ doings stupid  shit ...........good  luck to him in getting  a job .....

the old  saying a  leopard never  changes its  spots  ...............

Man with DEVAST8 face tattoo struggling to get a job 

 Mark Molloy,The Telegraph Fri, Jul 14 3:11 AM PDT 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......