Wednesday, June 21, 2017

why do men cheat ....this one is a no brainer......................

here is one post that caught my eye ......why do men  cheat.......well its very  simple ......

when a  man meets  a  woman ..........she is  all over  him  like white on rice .......

They dine ............they dance ...........they drink ............they fuck......They eat like horses .......and the guy thinks.........  he has met the perfect woman ......

and  when  the  commitment  moves  forward ...........things change  and  the  guy  gets  confused ......

he exchanges  love  in return for  sex ..........and  she  gives   him  sex   for  love .............and it confuses  the guy no end the  more she  fucks  him  ............the  more  he  thinks  she  loves   him .......

But  you see its  entrapment!! ...........she knows  that will reel  him in .............he is  too  dumb too  realize  this ..........then the Honey moon  period  ends  ...........reality  sets in .......its   called  the  moving  in together  period.....

this is when the  sex  cools off  ..........and  its replaced  by headaches .......... and the  fake  periods ......we  all know .........  just no one   wants  to  admit it ......(when she starts  wearing granny panties tahts the  end )..............(you know the ones ...canary yellow .......powder pink .......).....women say its  comfort ......!!

you know ........... lying in bed  ..........she is  reading a book .......... and  you  want to  fuck ......oh!!!!! not  tonight .!!!!!!!!!i  have too  much  going on ..!!!!!!!!

FLS.......this is  what  men   like .......... its why they  marry.............. and leave   mommy a life of   FOOD............. LAUNDRY .......... AND  SEX........a guy thinks in the  beginning................ this  whole  charade  that the  women  embarks  upon know  ............. fucking .....sucking .....drinking .....eating will never  end  .......but it does  it women's way to pull you in ........its the truth!!!!!! .........

And  when a child  comes  along.......... the  sex  is   almost non-existent ......the  baby  gets the tits don't  get any!!!! .......and  the  vag is  closed  for  the season  .....until you get massive  blue  balls........... and  she uses  this  to control you    because area a loaded  cannon .........

and  when a women  wants to get pregnant  ..........she  does  the blue  balls  cannon  routine ................its  a  guaranteed  success will  blow  her  birth canal after  not getting it for a while .............. you  will  blow  holes in her  uterus ......

what surprises  me........... is  when a guy leaves  and  divorces  a woman ............. and  meets  another  he thinks  this  new one  is going to be  different ..................but  as  always  delusional  guys  led  by his   Wang/dick/schlong ................whatever  his pet name is  ......POP..........power of pussy ......things never  change ......

And when women gets  the man she  saw .........and  fucked..............drinked and  danced with ...........and  acted  all whory!!!! .......she now  wants to change  him ......

and  so the cycle of  life  begins .........

wedding planners  love it !....
divorce lawyers love it !........

Simple fact is .........we  have not  evolved much in centuries will always  fall for the pussy .................once he  gets  tired of the  wife ............ who is  closed  up  shop .......he  thinks  the wife does not love  him because she is   not   fucking him......... ......but she   does  because  hers is  emotional  ...............he is  physical ......

Women love  emotion love  to  fuck ....... .....its the  male  ego .....we  cannot help it

Women  would  rather  go s hopping for  an  hour  rather  than  fuck ..................(seriously........a survey done ...........said  women would rather spend  an hour  shopping ....than spend an  hour  fucking their  husbands.)........unless its a  sugar daddy obviously .......

The media  has  emasculated the male see it in  ads ........... where the  husbands always  give in  to the  wife........  and don't  take  control

 The women steal the closet .....the kitchen......the  bathrooms .....and the man   gets the  basement .....if he is  lucky ......

but he pats  to live in a house ............ and usually gets the garage ......or the basement as his mans  cave..............otherwise  there  would be  no reality show ............ where they   made  man  caves .........if you did not  see it ............. you did not Miss much............. !!!!it blew !!!!!all macho  men ........  pretending to be  macho.......but were  kicked into their  garage watch  TV............ and drink beer ........... and  smoke  cigars...........while the wife takes over the  house ....

So men  cheat ..........when the  wife  dries  up the canal ..............the  birth canal that is .....

if i am lying  ............ then why are  the  so many single  mums .......just  fact that's  all  losing out .....

i have  just scratched  the surface ......

i have been there ............ done that ........has the house  for  the  girlfriend  to  show  off ........... and  have  dinner parties .....

women always  have the  kitchen ............ men  get the  BBQ  ............. which makes them  feel  manly ............ because they can go outside............  and   grill up  penile  like   food items........... .and drink  beer  that looks  like  urine ...........  going in ........... and urine  coming  out !!!!!!!!....on a grill while  the women is  in the kitchen .......and the men  gather  around a   metal  object............ like its  a space  ship .............conversing about things the  wife will not hear .......

men marry a  woman on the  grounds  that he is  going to  have  food ............ and sex  all the  time ................its a fact   women know  this ........... and   take  advantage  of   his  weakness .....

they look  for the father  figure  in a man ............oh and money .!!!!!! and a  job .........and  stability .......its  a fact ...........

we have not  evolved  much from the caves ...............women are gatherers  men are hunters .....simple .

women are takers they receive dick ..........and  semen ...........orally and  vaginally .......and  even some .......... who prey to the padre ......anally ...........( if you were paying attention........ and  reading my rants ) are givers  ......women do however  give  birth ......and that's a miracle ................but then the man has  to give ......and  give ...and give  ......and  give ........thats when he   does not  get  anything in return T&A....for   a  while ............

look at the  beautiful Hollywood  couples...........  they end  up   splitting might think they must love ass ......but she gets  tired of  his  D&B...........and he gets  tired of her  T&A...............happens every day ...........USA!!!!!.....

Man Carnot resit the  temptation of  a hottie .........its just how it is ............ and if he  is not getting banged at home............... he  will certainly  find it somewhere  else.....power of the pussy .......

The surprising reason why most men cheat

Men have revealed the real reason why they cheat on their partners, and it’s not what many women might expect.
Many people assume that cheaters look for a bit on the side because they are bored with their stale relationship, but that may not be the case for most cheaters.
In fact, it turns out that boredom with the relationship isn’t even one of the top three reasons why cheaters look for someone else to get intimate with.
According to Superdrug’s Online Doctor, the most common reason why men are unfaithful is simple: The other person was just really hot.
According to a shocking survey of 2,000 adulterers, European men stray because they can’t resist the temptation of the other person.
However, the second most common justification for cheating was more emotional, with many men saying they decided to be unfaithful because the other person was really there for them.
This is similar to the main justification given by European women, whose top reason for straying was that their partner wasn’t paying them enough attention.
Among male love rats, sex proved to be an issue as well, with the third most common reason for cheating being that their partner isn’t giving them enough.
With boredom the fourth justification, the fifth was that their partner stopped paying attention to them.
We also recently revealed why June is such a sexually charged month — even for singletons.


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......