Tuesday, June 20, 2017

this one does not need an introduction .......

 warning graphic images .of animal; cruelty .......you have been  informed .....sorry  !!!!!!just trying to get  a point   across ....if you love dogs  then this one is  not  for you .......maybe if you like  lychees.....!!!!!!!

Chinese people see dogs as  meat ......unlike civilized  colonized white people in  so called  countries like America .....USA....Australia .....so on and  so forth ........

Now i personally think is  despicable  .......but then its  all perception ............animals ........are  animals i say ......most people will eat a cow  .....a pig .......a lamb ........why not  a dog!!!!!!! ........

It's mans  best friend !!!!!!! ......... yes  so  are pigs   .............George  clooney had a  Vietnamese  pot  bellied pig .........

i  do not  agree .......... with the  lychee......... and  dog meat festival in china .......my point is............  why the fuck are   lychee's......... and  killing  dogs intertwined  .....there is no correlation  between both parties .......

Now  ...........we  all know.......... that all meat has  not  taste ............... of course you all knew  that right!!!!!!!!!!   because  meat is   tainted  when the  animal  dies  with  uric  acid  .......and  uric  acid  is  of  course .............piss/urine/the yella  stuff ..................of  course you  did ............... not  think all your  meat was  that good !!!!!!!!   ...god  was  not  that  kind   to   animals  being  killed   ........so you have  to  consume  the  animals  piss  .........they had  to sort of  get the  last laugh.!!!!!!.....rumour  has it .......... that's   the   flavouring of  all meats .......

i hate  meats  of  all  kind ............ i do not   eat  blood  form another  carcass..........  because its  dead  has no  life in it .......

simple  dynamics you eat ........... death you move towards  death .......a dead animal is  dead  ..........there is no life in  It that's why i like  veggies   eat them alive  !!!!!!......

still you have  heard........ and i have  heard the  indoctrinated  mindset of  a lot  of   carnivorous people  saying.......... epsecially in America  ........"there is no  way i  could live without  meat  i would  die ................"and this is  how  cattle  beef  and  pork  farmers  want you to think ......no meat  no   money .......and its the  biggest  profits in restaurants ......

Chinese mentality is ...........they do not  give a  fuck about life............  at  all they would eat their  granny........... if  she  was  not  against the law ......... ......they have a  7000 year old............  fable  minded  .............mentality about life.......  and folk medicine .......... and bollocks  and   fertility..........but you have got to  expect  this  form  narrow  minded ..........  brainwashed  cultures .......

We need  cultures .......... its  keeps  people in ......... and under  control ...........its also  macho derived  ............especially  archaic  ones  ...........like  Arab ......... and  German  and Scottish .............all about manly  shit  .............bravery.........  and  warlike   sentiments .....

Cultures ............   people  feel  they have to  adhere  to their  cultures...........  and  beliefs...........   because they are  told  to...........  by elders  .........and   religious  hand  me  downs..........  from  families ............. and  such like..........   told  to have  kids...........  and  do  this...........  and  do  that .............look at Muslims   and  Hasidim  Jews .............. they have too wear  clothing........ and   be  told  what  to  do  ...............they have no life..........  and not  thought  they are   all sheep minded ......they canot drive on saturdays how  stupid  bollocks  are  they !!!!!!!!!

They have to  be  told  by Seniors........  because the have been  told  ............ just like  them before ......... its  mass  brainwashing........ and  control .......like Muslims  eat lamb  .........not  pig............because they are  brainwashed into  believing that  pig is  dirty .......so are  some  women ............but they still fuck  them .....!!!!!!!

cultures  are derived form history.......... to control  .......... like religion............ people  who are   dirt  fucking poor .......... and uneducated  donate to African  pastor   karlos bonke..............Joe  olsteen .............. flies in his private jet ......... his ministry makes him millions  ...........he  is  brainwashing them , ....

.And then  of c urse  we  have the  godfather  of brainwashing on a  global  scale.............  the  padre!!!! himself  the pope ........catholics .......... and a lot of third world  countries..........  who  are poor  as  fuck............  keep  having  children  because they  don't  believe in  contraceptives  ......... yet the  priest  keep  fucking kids...........  and   people in the  religion practice  anal sex  ..........not   news ........ or  newsflash .....fucking  truth .............in some  catholic   couples ........... they believe in anal sex.............   because its  not.........   sex  before  marriage ......

Yep!!!!!!!!!!!!  hows  that for  brainwashing .......so a  dick in the  ass............ is not  sex  .......that's what they believe ........this is  how  the world  works ......... brainwashing .............. everyone is  looking for  their  groove to fit in............. or  families  will not accept them ..............if you don't  marry ............ have  kids ..........like  them........... and  be  miserable  .......

married couples  do not like  single people ......... ........that's  why  married couples  ....... usually   invite  as like  married  couples  to dinners..........  and  family gatherings  ............unless they are  trying to pawn a  daughter off ............to the  other  families  Son   ..................because  we  all know ........they want to  stay within  the  catholic/protestant/Muslim ...............or  whatever   religion  your  are  brainwashed  by ......

tTo simply  go to a  house  of  worship .........and  constantly  rant  ..........and pray for  redemption  .................when you know it truly  does not  exist .....redemption is  fabricated   for  the  soul  purpose of money ....for  fools ......

your  fucking confessions will not  get you  a  gold  VIP pass .............when you  die .........you will soon  find out  how  much of a cunt you  have been .................only you will know!!!!!!!!! .....not some religious prick in a house disguised as  a sanctuary..............  bet we  all know.............. its  a conduit for  massive  wealth ........... and  sodomy ...............if you have  not figured out  the  whole  religious  game  you  are in too  deep .....

look at the  Chinese  fools..........  they burn  effigies  for  the people  in the  next life...........  and  burn money .................when  someone  dies............  and they  believe  its  a 30  day passing over  period ............they simply  are  fooled  by  folk .......and culture ............ a  stupid  culture ...........  burning   replicas ........... to take  to the  next like  .....you know  who invented  that  bollocks...........  the cunt  who  sells  matches  to light the   shit with !!!!!!!......

 China is like  is a country of billions........ and they are  all brainwashed.......... somehow  or other  ....i think they are  terrified ....or  something  .....i have been there ........... and   i have to say........  the chinese people  have no souls ...........or life in their  eyes .............. they are  robotic  and  mindless  .......look at wal-mart ............they have  whole city blocks of  factory workers  .........who are  so uneducated .......and  they  have no will power ........... to think for  themselves .......i cannot include  bruce lee ........... he was  from honk kong .....smart feller ......but honestly they  just don't  care about life  .........

Still if you need  to  be fed  shit in a shovel...........  crap in a box   .............turds in a tarpaulin .......... then there will never  be  a shortage  of cunts .......... willing to eek you out of your  gilt!!!!!!!! .......and there  are  not  shortage of brainwashed fuckers on this planet .....

how do you  think  the  media   makes  so much money .............tell you what to do think ......... and buy!!!!!!this is  why there are  so many malls ........

ss Times Mon, Jun 19 4:44 PM EDT 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......