Friday, June 30, 2017

weddings are pure bollocks ..if you want the truth .......

Weddings are big business  ....really big business!......especially if someone keeps on getting married .....return business.........usually at dads  expense.........

I have always thought  weddings were  a  tremendous waste of money .........
i know your  brainwashed mind  says............ its the most important day of your life .............that's  because you have been  brainwashed into  believing that ..........

buying a dress for one day is  absolute insanity ......and most of them look ugly as hell .........and really fucking stupid!!!! ......and no one  gets their hair done  like that only on a wedding day !!!!!

This is the only time your wife ........ will spend that  much  time  getting ready........ to get fucked ......i promise you .....after your  married ...... after a while its  granny  panties ..........and  excuses ...........until she decides she wants to  get pregnant ...........and then your  blue balls  will knock her up........

weddings are really fucking dumb .......and usually the brides  father.........  is the  cunt that has  to cough up .........not  sure why  but Tait's  how it  is  set up .....daddy's girl ......

you spend months  going to the  chicks  house ........and the parents forbid you to sleep together .......because daddy  does not wanna  hear his   daughter  getting banged the house which........ is fucking stupid  .........because he knows your banging his  daughter ........

then some bitch ..........who wants you to spend loadsa  money on the wedding why.............. because she  makes  a  fucking fortune off it .....its  a very lucrative business   .....stupid ......... but lucrative ........

funny how on your wedding night .........the wife  never  ever   gets  a headache .........or  a period ..........go figure  because she has   just spent all daddy's  cash ........

Then the guys all get to dress like penguins ......basic  shit black and  white  suits .......that's a sign of things to come.......

the bridesmaids  all jealous bitches .......... screaming.........  and  you know the hate the  bride ........... because  she is  getting all the attention......its not on them ......and you know they would not  come  but they have to  ......

just like the  guys...........  they only come to a  wedding for  free  drink...........  food  ...........and  a  chance of  a  fuck  for  a  horny bridesmaid ......been there  done  that ............

then the father..............  has to walk the  bride  ..........his  daughter  down the isle ........... to  give him over to the  guy who is  going to  fuck her  brains out in a  few  hours .......
so really daddy  pays  for a really expensive day to hand his  daughter ...........over  to the  guy who is  going to  fuck  her  brains  in  .......that  makes  a whole  load  of  sense ........

then after they are  married  the Son in law  ...........can turn round to the dad ............ and  say he is  going to fuck his  daughter........... now his wife ............ like a  tavern whore  .........and there is  fuck all he  can  do about it ........seems  perverse and  strange ............but true

I have always wondered  who dreamed  up the stupidity.......... and  absurdity of  weddings  ............

much like  funerals .....a  total fucking  brainwashed  cultural  farce ........... passes on  from mother  to  daughter.............father  to son..........

I never  caught on to the  stupidity........... i saw  too much  crap  happening  when i was  young ........marriage  really !!!!!

i personally think its  an  absurd   day of life..........  when probably its the only day  your  wife is  going to  be  a complete  fucking whore.............  for one  day ..........  its her  obligation  after yo are  married  it  all changes  .......

your nice  bachelor car gets  chopped in  for a  sensible  kiddie  van .......

your  bachelor  pad  now gets  gayed up........... into a livable place ............... where  all your  macho  shit  either  goes in storage ..........or the  garbage ..........

and your single day stuff.......... goes  .responsible shit moves  in  .....very  few women wanna  change the man  but they  do it anyways .......

they meet you..............  and then they change  you   fucking nuts  .....

still  every day  people  will get married............  and  its  a multi billion dollar  business ........ weddings are  not  fucking cheap .......

and to rich people.......... its a status  deal ............

 but it always changes .......... after you are  married  always .....

your  wife  makes your  old  friend  go a way ........... and you have to  inherit  her   friends  husbands ............ so you  can all talk  about  man  caves ...........home  made beers.....your  beard  trimmer........and your  lawn mower.........and your  job the BBQ ..........while  heating up  penis  like  food ......... and  drinking liquids that look like piss  ...........  how  funny is  that .......i wonder ...............

still  thats  life ..........  and people  will always  play the  game .....

The Most Important Thing About Your Wedding

I've Been Married 11 Years and This Is What I Remember About My Wedding Day

"If you see me shed a tear tonight, it's because they handed me the bill." Those were my father's closing words at my wedding nearly 11 years ago. That night was 15 months in the making. My mother and I pined over menus, flowers, cakes, and decorations. We wanted every detail to be etched into my husband's and my brain for as long as we both shall live. Four kids later, I don't remember any of that stuff.
For the most important day of my life, I chose a designer dress from a local boutique. It was beaded and gorgeous. I wore the dress for a total of six hours. Yes, less than your average workday. My dream frock ended up costing several hundred dollars an hour. Today, it is sitting in a Space Bag in my basement among Christmas decorations, old CDs, and baby clothes that I can't seem to part with. I have been busy this last decade and haven't had the time to get it preserved. Here's hoping my sewer line never backs up.
Even though I was terrified that I might drop something on my beautiful white gown, I was hell bent on having a meal that my guests would be talking about for years to come. My mother and I tasted several types of cuisine and put together the perfect menu. We started with a salad and then, hmm, might have been Prime rib, could have been White Castle. I have no idea. I may just put out a Facebook poll for my 200 wedding guests and see what they remember chewing on that night. Although I do remember devouring a $14 candy bar out of the minifridge in our honeymoon suite later that night because I was starving.


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......