Friday, June 30, 2017

girl kills boy for you tube fame

It seems everyone wants to be famous these  days ........and as we all know  fame comes with a price .........

You tube has made  many........ many........ many people famous and wealthy ........i love you tube .......

But there is a  dark underbelly to it also posted  below ......

When you are young  .....your  not too fucking bright ......i done  some  seriously fucked up shit when i was  young all of us...............

and i am glad i walked away in one piece ...........

but  when you are young................  nothing seems  to matter ................ everything is  game .......
but  i will tell you this ................... there ares some things you  just do not  do !!!!!!.............and that is .......... fuck around with guns ........just  wrong .....

i get there are some things on you tube that are  beyond   ...but  how  far  do you go ......well these two  fucked up royally........

now i am not sure about anyone  else .......... but a desert eagle is not some  gun you wanna take lightly  .....its  a  very  high powered  handgun.................  it will go through a lot of  shit  and a book is  easy ......

I am sure these  two  never  even done a test run  ...............which if  anyone in their  right mind knows.............  it  might have been a great idea !!!!!

too late !!!!!!!

well now  she is  famous........... and  so is he ......although  its the wrong type ............i believe she  has to  be charged with murder its  simply is  .......
they should have had a test run ......i would......but then i am  older  and wiser  ...............and putting a gun to  my  chest with  book  is  not the thrill i am seeking ...........and add to the fact i do not  trust  any women with a  gun of  any sorts ....!!!just to clarify ......none !!!!!

there will never  be  an end to stupidity ............... unfortunately   just another  statistic  of  you tube ......and there  will be  many more  .....

obviously  common sense  did not  prevail in this  stunt .........and they will be  famous  for  sure .........

if you are going to  do a stunt .....

make sure it is  with someone  you don't like !........

its always better to do life in prison for someone  you hate............ than the love of  your life ........

love makes people  do some stupid  shit  !!!!!!!!

An Aspiring YouTube Star Allegedly Shot And Killed Her Boyfriend During A Video Stunt

Some YouTube stars make headlines with merely annoying antics, but in the case of one vlogging couple whose channel is filled with progressively outrageous stunts and pranks, things can go very wrong — deadly, in fact. While filming a weekly video, Monalisa Perez, a pregnant 19-year-old, allegedly shot and killed her boyfriend, 22-year-old Pedro Ruiz III. And although Perez’s emergency call to police included a claim that the shooting was accidental, the shot was fired at point-blank range (from one foot away) while he held a hardbound encyclopedia volume in front of his chest.
Of course, the bullet went straight through the book into Ruiz’s chest, and it’s hard to fathom how anyone could expect a less-than-tragic outcome from doing such a thing. Prior to the stunt-gone-wrong, Perez tweet-claimed(below) that she and Ruiz were “probably going to shoot one of the most dangerous videos ever.” She also asserted that the whole thing was Ruiz’s idea. The tweet went out on Monday at 6:00pm EST, and NBC News reports that Perez phoned for help less than two hours later.


  As always ........ we  love ........ or  as  say.......  i love to post   .......... todd's weekly installments  of  positivity  enlig...