Monday, June 19, 2017

warning offensive!!!!!!!! meat .....sold as chicken

    Warning disturbing image ahead !!!!!!!!!!!!!...

International hippie  would rather  not   publish pictures  of  animal cruelty  ....... for   regards  to animal  life .......but we published  this to get a message  across ........

When you live in a  civilized  culture do not  expect  to be  served up  fido ............but in a  third  world  parasite  culture  ....they do not  care/give a  flying fuck.........why well  because they have o respect for animal life ......... in all fairness  ......i do  believe a   fair  shake at the  donkeys  tail........... as they say!!!!!! ........the only thing i will say  at least they are  not  hypocritical !!!!!!........they eat  animals and  pets  too!!!!!(although they call pets food !!!!)...... ........but they do not  class them as  pets ..

here is  a  difference......... in  a  civilized  society ........civilized people ............. talk  out  both sides of  their  mouths we  all know   Asian cultures  anything ......this would  include  cats.......dogs.......rats ......mice .........anything .....

white.......... so called  educated civilized people .............only consume  things that are  farm  raised know  .....chickens .........cattle ..........pigs  .......sheep you have to understand this  civilized  consumption  comes  from a  historical brainwashing indoctrination..........because white civilized  educated people ............ consider  farm  animals  food with that in mind ............ are  Asian people  wrong.... .......or is it   white  civilized  colonized  indoctrinated people ........... are  lead to believe  that a  dog is  not  food .......

Well i have to say .......... what is the  difference .!!!!!!!!.....i  have no idea  .............because .........i  believe in honesty ........and  why ........... if you would  eat one animal ..........why not  eat them  all ......because its  different ........what is the  difference ..........  between a  cow........... and  a chicken.......... or a  lamb!!!!!!!........

Now  someone  will consume a  veal Parmegane ..............but will not  eat  a dog ........ why !!!!!!!.............because ........ that's the  difference  between  civilized .........and third  world poverty  based  choices .......

in some  African nations ........... cannibalism is  still  legal humans ......... you say  why not  .......!!!!!it might keep  down the population ............but  how  can one  tell if   human being is  organic  raised ................ and  the other is not ......after all  human beings  lie  like  politicians in an  under age Vietnamese  sauna ....

It simply boils  down  to  indoctrination.......... and  history........... and cultures ........construed  by   archaic........  drunken .........uneducated  .....Prophets ........... and  so called  men of god in them  days you decide........ is  it hypocrisy  from  us ............... or  cruelty   from them ......


‘Chicken satay’ served to tourists is actually dog meat

New York Post 7 hours ago 


  Donald trump is a  master of what he does.....he survived building in new York.........through the mob......built building ........and  ap...