Monday, June 19, 2017

korea should be ashamed at this

Otto warmbier has  died 22 years old ...........

i  find  this  despicable .......... sad.......... and totally unjust ........

 I mean ........  Korea  are   absolutely cold  heartless   pieces of shit .......they must have known  he  was  dying .....and the doctors  told  the   govt .......

I mean  he  snatched  poster  ........ ...but making his  life  so  bad  he  died ...........this   shows  you  the   Korean mentality in  regards  for  life  .............

They   abuse  animals ........... and  have no regards   for  life  .......they   need  to   be   made  to pay for  this  ..............Korea   has  basically taken a young mans   life  ......

No one  deserves  to suffer heart  goes out to  his mother  and father ............

I hope  Americans  stop  going to  Korea  and  we  ban  all  business  with them  .....they cannot  be trusted  ......

Korea needs  to step up......... and  apologize and make  good  with the parents of  otto ......its  unacceptable on any level 

US student freed by North Korea in a coma dies at 22

 DAN SEWELL,Associated Press 15 minutes ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......