Monday, June 12, 2017

Truth justice and the American way

When I came to America
....i was told by many people
.....dont tell the truth......americans don't like it......they would rather be lied to ........

Well since I had a father .....a biological one who raised me like proper and all ......he told me never to lie will get you in trouble will also take you to something that liars dont get will never have a lot of friends if you tell the truth .........

Or work for a big company.........american companies do not like the truth ......

Now I have to specify this fact that I am not anti- American.....because I do reside here .....
I am merely pointing out some truths

For instance Hugo boss those stylish fashionistas......   who are in malls and snazzy airports.....and all over places like lad Vegas

This fashion gurus dressed Nazi officers ......

Well if you are getting up in the morning here flukinflik .....grabbing coffee ....probablyFrench

....theyhas a hand in anilihating the Jews too ........and putting on that fine SS......uniform to go kill some Jewish people

But here is where I am going those sneaky filthy corporate American bastards would never have told the truth until somone exposed them

Business as usual .......but Americans really don't give a Fuck........because Hugo boss makes great suits .........priorities......... who cares if Hitler massacred 60 million Jews........i bet I could even find a Jewish guy with a Hugo boss suit .......he doesn't care ...........ooks good on him

America massacred 100,s of millions of Indians.......and those fuckers made  a career of. Capitalizing on pain and suffering they have their own nation. ......sovreign.  ...just........ like the Vatican only they do not  rape young boys .........

no they partake in getting the white man or the pale man .......or whoever has money ........yes .......they. got  on with  with fucking. America in the the pale yank is losing bills. At the red mans table

It's not personal it's business

.the population wants to get fucked over ...lied to long as they have dogs .....the game ......the car ......the house .....the image ......the home depot fence .......the kids .......the paycheck .......all that matters bought from one week to the next .......

It's the American dream entrapment parcelled as an image obey .....keep up that credit score you can get more .

It's just one big  lie disguised as a country

But everyone wants to be part of the big lie ............

UK is becoming toxic like America...the American culture is spreading .....they have rooms in the UK .......big crass Halloween. Objects,........

I have seen American men go to some third world country .....and bring back a sweet immigrant. Beautiful women from third world .......and then they get.  Americanized..........

The Russian women are the friend married one.........oh yes,......all sweet and honey ..........but amercinization does something to the mind .........

America is the economic engine of the world consumes ........

The corporation does not make evil decisions ......its the CEO .......who usually hides behind a putz who will ultimately ........tske the shit..........

Look at the actress Jessica  Beal.....who has the honest company I think it's a so called organic themed. Something product ........she was caught lying and being dishonest .........why .......profit ..........

Bill gates,............and Warren buffet has said they will leave their vast fortunes to charities.....when they croak ........why not now ........well it's all American make ego .......the have billions.........why not trim down to say. ......a billion and give the rest away .........right now ....when.    American children are dying of hunger and diseases. Form poverty ..........or suicide every hour...........

Now is the time .......later might be too late ........its a simple fact of .......greed billionaire. Cares .......sure they donate..........but you can bet there is a financial incentive ...driven underbelly the deal........

Leonardo di caprio 6 mansions ........why not. Just have one sell the others.  And say give the money to cancer kids .......and then stay in hotels the best he can ....he needs 6 mansions ..........i am sure he would not like to hear it ..........

i think he is a great actor............but standing on the podium acting like you care and give a Fuck about our planet .......when you are air conditioning 6 mansions two faced........its easy to look like you give a Fuck........your an actor .......that simple ........

Still as long as there are buyers there will always be seller ......buyers of the truth .....a philosophical way of putting it .......there will always be vendors of the so called truth........depending on you gullibility or stupidity ......uou will accept whatever is thrown in your face ......ignorance more often than not is bliss.........ttuth hurts ......its the bitter pill ........sweet lies .......bitter truth .........funny how it goes ........sugar coat it .......usually sweet tasting thing are never good for you ..........

The truth shall set you a price ........if you can afford the price........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......