Saturday, June 10, 2017

Money talks .....everything else can be bought

Money talks bullshit walks...........
put up or shut up.........
exactly .........when I hear. People say to me. ......its not about the money .............i just treat them like the lying cunts they are .........

Listen up money.  ...........   No honey is not can be an ugly sweating fat Fuck and old ......but if you are rich as Fuck..........there will always be a young girl............. Willing to sit and suck your dick.  ......your gonna have to pay 

.if you are the same cunt and have no money ........the best your going to get is a homeless broad. ...........with no teeth .......and a shit stained. .......vag...............(you know. The one........... It's all brown around the flaps..).........

My point is money is the British soccer......... most of its players.  Are foreigners.........why because they pay millions for their skills .......its not about.  Fairness in soccer it's about who can afford the dream team.

.........Glasgow rangers.   .....or simply rangers. .....has but a few. Scots ....same with Celtic........not much difference with England neither.......

When you go to a shop to buy something say like clothes or a car. Or whatever ......there is no honesty. They want you to walk away with the item that. Costs. More .

Why. ........well if I have to tell you. ...your a cunt ........sales .......commission ..........every sales job is not about.......honesty at all its. About sales .....and reaching goals.  .....and targets......

.i used to sell cars .........the car dealer only. Cares.   About.    How.   Much you are bringing with you to put down. ......and how hard he can Fuck you ............its not a business of honesty.....................that's why they have a bad rap.....

........everyone has rent and bills and. Credit cards to pay you are last in line. For. Compassion and first in line to get fucked ..........

The same with restaurants ......burn them and turn them .....they have it down to a science.....i guarantee you as soon as you have paid the bill and tipped the waiter are of no service to him are cutting into his tips he could not care. If you died long as you leave..........try.  getting extras after you have paid him. Like say more coffee or bread
......nope sirree non.............does not matter. How much .......been there seen it done it .......waiters.  on the whole cannot stand. People .......its an oxymoronic.  Occupation..........

.the restaurant. Business is fraught with.     Alcoholism......drug abuse....thievery.... are basically. What. Your job is and people see you as ......subliminally.......a servant ....

..........when you tell people you are a waiter ......they think of you. Condescendingly .......especially in rich old places.......

.the rich don't know. Any better .........the reason most people give you the tip is because they are forced to if it was optional some places in Europe....where they are paid ......the attitude and out look is  different

Only in America do you go to. For a piss .......or a shit .......there is some usually mostly ......island person .....trying to hawk you a towel........... and turn on the faucet........... to get a buck......and a spritz of cologne.....and a piece of gum.........its all good ..........i don't need to be pampered when I go to have a shit.......

Try paying your mortgage with love tokens.............

Or explaining  to your bank money isn't everything......see how far that gets your dumb ass.......

Yes money is everything..........the Beatles once said can't buy me love.......

........oh but it makes. Any cunt look  attractive.....that shite may have flew in the 60,s and 70,s......try telling that to the wife and kids now........

.see how.long it takes.  To see her back going out the door..
It an aphrodisiac ........a lubricant to grease Palms ..........
Poverty sucks pure and simple
Life is like a shit sandwich.........the more bread you have .........the less shit you eat.............


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......